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Old 07-04-19, 08:12 AM   #2
CTD - it's not just a job
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Well, adding and removing mods in the middle of a career can cause issues with the Save game, but what do you mean by "askew"? Does it not pop-up reliably? Or are you talking about that when it's following your torpedoes, you'll see the torp, and then you won't, and the screen goes to like a light blue, but still shakes? Or are you referring to it constantly shaking and / or having unrelated content in it, like the camera is facing the wrong way?

The camera showing something, like a torpedo traveling, and then doing a shaky blue screen can mean that the torpedo has breached and is out of the water. Also, the camera will sometimes "rotate" its view, and not be pointing at the subject very well. Sort of like an incompetent cameraman, all too common on today's TV shows... - Excessive shake of the camera is a setting in the camera's cfg file. The 'triggering' of the camera popping up is part of the game code.

All of these can be influenced by (as mentioned) altering the mod configuration, but also by leaving the game with either a click on a Windows background, or using the <Alt><Tab> or <Windows> key combinations. The game basically loses its "handles", if you will, to where the computer's resources, such as sound and video, are. The game might then start over-writing portions of itself and other aspects of the computer stored in the RAM. These situations will sometimes corrupt your Save file also. Don't shell out to windows, if you've been doing that. Also, the game has a nasty habit of not releasing all of the computer's resources after it closes back to Windows, but you do mention having restarted the computer. However, if you run a Quick Mission or Patrol, or run the Museum, be sure and exit the game before you load your career, since the computer doesn't release its own resources back to itself very well either, and should be restarted when switching between "modes"... old tech...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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