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Old 03-15-11, 05:25 AM   #12
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Questions answered in order:

1. How does the Silent-Running Fix interact with the anti-humming bird mod? Is it save to use both in parallel? I guess yes, but a confirmation would be great.
Answer: Safe to use both.

2. War News Fix: Does TC still drop to 1 if you receive a radio message about a contact (not only on the map, but also with a text message)?
Answer: Yes (actually it drops to TC=8, if you have default settings). The war news uses a different code flow from the other messages.

3. BdU Congratulations: If the return message is replaced, does it take the new message from the same pool as the congratulation messages?
Answer: Yes (and no restriction on language). You can change the messages in file HsieContents.txt, which is used by the Options Selector. However, *NO single message can exceed 30 characters* (otherwise it will be truncated by the Options Selector, to save a CTD with SH3.exe.)

4. Are you planning to finish h.sie's CO2 work, so that it works historically correct?
Answer: No, I don't know how, and besides H.sie is likely to resume work on his own mods/ideas at some later date.

is't possible to add just one torpedo (or a random number from 0 to 3) when "docking at a utanker? Also could be possible to go ahead a random number of hours (let's say 1 to 7 hours for example) to simulate the time expent on the milkcow? If possible these two random functions will add even more to realism and uncertanty to the game!
Answer: I agree with this idea. I was hoping H.sie would know how to add the torpedoes(!) - he has already made the torpedo reload fix. As for adding a few hours, I did consider that, but really it makes no difference to the patrol if you leave the tanker immediately, rather than after six hours. The more changes that are made to code, the greater the chance of a bug arising.

Only a little (but annoying) issue: in the instructions txt, you tell to put the files "somewhere", or preferibly in mods folder. Well...I can patch my SH3.exe with all the contents of the patch in the root folder (my C:\SH3, where is the SH3.exe). Only in this folder, the bat files works.
Answer: The SH3.exe file must be placed in the same file folder as the patch kit, in order that the patch functions correctly. I would advise very strongly that you place everything in its own folder, run the patch kit, then move the patched SH3.exe file into your main setup for SH3. Better still, install the new SH3.exe file with JSGME, so that you can easily reverse the process. But be sure to have a backup of the original SH3.exe file somewhere.

"you can only pseudo-dock at U-tankers, not at surface tankers (eg Brake, or Charlotte Schliemann), nor at land bases." Why?
Answer: The tankers need to be identified. All U-tankers begin with 'U-'. Surface tankers could have any name, which will be hard to distinguish. How can the code tell the difference between 'Brake' and 'Penang'? - both are seen by the game as bases. So we identify tankers as 'U-'. (You could rename 'Brake' to 'U-Brake' in your campaign files, if you wish.) There is also a major difference of operation. When a U-boat docked at a rocking U-tanker in mid-ocean, the crews mostly remained on board their own U-boats and the two U-boats would separate as quickly as possible. Surface tankers could be placed in ports or in quiet areas of the major oceans. In either case, most of the U-crew would be allowed on board the surface tanker for many hours, in order to give them a rest. The crew really did 'dock' at a surface tanker.

Thanks for all the feedback. I hope you all remain as enthusiastic *after* you have tested the patch.

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