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Old 12-27-20, 10:04 AM   #2
CTD - it's not just a job
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I find it easier to use the browser's "Search" engine, and use a term like " rescue pilot" to find things. As for the "technique technique!!!"

When you approach the "survivors" come in bow-on as much as you can, the closer to zero relative you are, the less bobbing your boat does. Don't run them over though... They do "Bob" back to the surface though - usually... This angle makes it easier for you to "target" the survivor for pick-up. Secondly, you have to get in close, like 500 yards or less. Third, make certain you are on the full Bridge view with the life-saver icon visible, which it sounds like you are since you using the UZO. Of which, that is the main problem most likely. Use the binoculars. When at a normal view on the Bridge, use the zoom to enable the binoculars, which is usually the <Tab> key, or the mouse wheel roll. Once you get that view, let the binocular view "roll" over the pilot in the water, and press that life-saver icon when the crosshair in the binocular goes from yellow to red. The game (and the human) can be a bit slow in reacting at times, so you might have to click several times.

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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