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Old 06-27-20, 09:28 AM   #2
CTD - it's not just a job
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Dates of the assets? The "zoom" scale? Another thing is the use of 2D and 3D artwork by the ME in SH4. When you create something as you describe, you use the "Tools" menu in the Mission Editor, and enable "Map Location Edit Mode". Once you do that, you right-click on the screen and choose "Add Map Location", all of which you have apparently done. You then use the "Name (In Editor)" to make a unique name for in the ME, such as "MyDocks001" or whatever, and the "Location Name In Game" to give it a name in the game, if so desired. Otherwise, delete the text in there when you first begin and leave it blank, else "Location Name In Game" will show on the NavMap... - The boxes in between those two are the important ones. You need to change the "Location Type" from "2DMapData to "3DLocation". Then the "Location 3D Model" has to be chosen. Then match that in the "2D Image Map Name" box. Not all 3D locations have a matching 2D image, which makes placing some assets next to impossible. Not all 2D images have a matching 3D asset, which is even more problematic... just the nature of the game and the ME...

The "Heading" box sets which way the "dock" is rotated, and can be a bother, since you have to "Accept" the changes at the bottom of the dialog in order to see your edits on the ME map, then open it all again and completely blank the "Heading" data in that box to edit it again. Ah well... If you want to have a different text font and color, then you alter those below that, and the game generally (not always) uses "" and one of the "black" colors. That is up to you, of course. The "Scale On Zoom" has to be ticked, and leave the "Show On Map" alone and ticked. If you open most other "dock" facilities in the game, you will notice that they are set to "50" and "1" for the "Zoom Start" and "Zoom End" drop downs, but some use "500" for the "Zoom Start". That is a function of where you want them to start to show on the map, at which NavMap zoom level in the game. If you set the "Zoom End" to say a setting of "2" instead of "1", then the image is twice as large, and it will "disappear" in the game when you zoom all of the way in. You do not want that for a dock, but other assets will use that setting. The "Minimum Object Terrain Height" can generally be left at "0", but you'll want your dock at the same scale as the rest of the game, so set the "Max Object Slope" to "0.550000" (all such setting carry to six decimal places, by the way), and put the "Scale (m/pixel at zoom end)" to "14.377808". All Map Locations in SH4 use those settings. The dates will somewhat control what you have, but not always. Generally speaking, the game will follow the dates used, but usually only after you have "ended patrol" and re-spawned into the game on another patrol. Once your submarine is in the game, the game will then ignore dates on the MapLocation assets... If you want to make your location "permanent" in the game, add it to the "Campaign_LOC.mis" file, and it will be in there everytime you play then. Have fun!

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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