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Old 06-24-20, 12:33 PM   #9
CTD - it's not just a job
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It can work fine in Windows 10, or any other MS OS thus far. Some of the Linux folks have run into recent Wine issues, and maybe the Apple guys might have issues, but other than the frustrations in Windows with us users trying to maintain backwards compatibility, it does function as intended... Usually. As for running out of RAM, when it comes to the old games, or new ones for that matter, Windows restricts them to a certain amount of address space. This is the reason for the statement "running out of RAM to use in SH4" I made. Not the amount of system RAM. A lot of programs written during the Windows XP days had the capability to address more than the old 32-bit restriction of 2 gig of RAM, but it was never implemented due to Windows restrictions. Nowadays, you can alter the header of the program with those 4 Gig apps, and Windows will now recognize them as being able to address more than 2 gig of RAM, which allows them more "breathing room" in the system memory. Again, it is not about how much ram you have in your system. It's a function of the OS and the program involved. Also, the game uses the Save folder to run off of, and if you had an earlier install attempt, and then did not get rid of the old Save data, that still pollutes your install. Delete the "C:\Users \UserName \Documents \SH4 folder (default location) contents, and try again...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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