Thread: [REL] Dark Waters
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Old 07-15-20, 08:38 AM   #614
CTD - it's not just a job
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Are you being assigned to Australian missions from Lorient, or are you going there on your own? It almost sounds like you either hadn't deleted the Save folder data before starting with a DW career, or that you have bad Save data in the folder. I also tested Lorient transfers (as well as too many others to remember), and never had the issues as you describe. If you stay out in a IXB too long, and don't make it back to Lorient before it ends on 1st September, 1944, then you have no way to "transfer" to the IXC boat, which goes to 33Flot, Flensburg which "opens" on 15 June, 1944 and has a IXC set to NULL, NULL which means it is available its whole life. The Far East boats are the IXC/40, and the IXD2 - that's it. You only either start there, or transfer down if using the Lorient start in June of 1943, with a proper boat. The Bordeaux IXD2 does not go Op Monsun, but to Flensburg. Penang starts in October 1943, and transfers to Djakarta in September of 1944, and you can play there until the war ends for Germany.

If you are being assigned Australian or Indian Ocean missions from Lorient, that means you are falling through the cracks in OM / DW and being assigned Stock missions, which are some strange assignments. But an assignment to Down Under from anywhere in the game other than the Far East commands means there is a problem in your game set-up. If you get a photo recon or deliver supplies, even if in Penang or Djakarta, that means you were assigned a Stock mission, and that should not happen in OM / DW, and is a sign of an issue that needs to be addressed.

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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