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Old 08-03-20, 12:08 PM   #1596
CTD - it's not just a job
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I saw that "Warrant Officer" thingie, but I did not notate the "Tree" it belongs to. I'll look in there again and see what I see. It is a US Army rank, so it might be in that "Tree". There are several of the Torpedo dudes "active" in the game, but I think they were "turned up" to where you have to have a highly experienced crew member to be able to gain access to the ability. I thought they were removed, but they were not. I'll compare Stock with FotRSU in that regard, and see what differences there might be, and then try to set the Torpedo reload dude to something useful. Like diving, that was something that improved with "training" of the crew. The SpecialAbility that the beast found, that "Quick Escape" dude (Dr Houdini, I presume??) is NOT part of FotRSU - or at least, it is NOT listed in the SpecialAbilities file, so I do not know where he got that from while playing FotRSU.

Since CapnScurvy got the Battery Specialist to "fix" the games lack of configuration control of such when altering other parameters, we might be able to "fix" the fuel usage by making ~all~ the fellows in the Engine Rooms into "fuel consumers", such that the fuel is burned at a higher rate... ?? That way, we can run out of fuel in the middle of the ocean, with no possibility of rescue...

We are currently trying to chase down issues in the v1.2 beta that we're currently testing, but I can say that with all of the testing, I have NOT had issues with the deck guns! Fingers crossed for a future "Yeah hurray!"... I am having issues with the Tambor / Gar Class though, that I do not understand, and it is similar, though different to what we have had all along. I have a feeling it has to do with the boat "active" period starting so close to the start of the game, that there is a configuration issue somewhere there. There are a couple of ideas to try, and then hopefully have a "fix"... More later.

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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