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Old 05-12-21, 08:24 AM   #3245
CTD - it's not just a job
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Regarding the ST radar in FotRSU (which btw, was made operational by CapnScurvy, and is not in the Stock game nor TMO) - I am reasonably certain that I have found the issue, and I don't think we can fix the problem the way we want. Getting an ST radar early is not physically possible with the way the conning towers are set-up versus the way the submarine hulls are set-up. They each have a Slot for either the Observation periscope, ~OR~ the Observation periscope with ST radar to "sit" in - not both. They seem to be mutually exclusive, and do not seem to be able to mix. You currently can purchase the ST radar and head for the conning tower in FotRSU v1.46 and the previous version, but there is no provision to purchase the Slot that the ST periscope sits in in the submarine hull itself, which is why neither the ST nor the SJ functions when you purchase it early. We will remove the early purchase option from the mod. If we can come up with a way to get the hull Slot to update when the conning tower option is purchased, but still allow the regular Observation Periscope to function for those that do not purchase the ST, then we'll put it back in - but don't hold your breath. The ST and SJ both operate if obtained through the normal "upgrade" process, and become functional January 1, 1945 in most submarines.

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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