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Old 03-12-21, 11:46 AM   #1275
CTD - it's not just a job
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keltos01 had a contact, but I cannot remember his name off the top of my head... I'll have to dig through the mountain of notes I have for the mod. I have also found reference to specific orders the Japanese military (IJN) received. I happened upon a book at a local Goodwill store, where someone had donated "The Pacific War" by John Costello. Most of the book is written prior to the release of most of the top-secret information we have available today, but some was released as he was writing, and he includes the additional information in his Appendix. So the subs enroute to station prior to the beginning of hostilities will have the orders "broadcast" to them. Of course, absolute radio silence and "cloak of invisibility" must be maintained at all times... It would really be nice if the game allowed for "penalties" and messages generated for the same... ah well. We do have ways to work around some aspects of the "tonnage war" aspects of the stock game...

But yes, imagine the impact of the IJN having their submarines preying upon un-escorted two and three ship convoys (the US standard in the Pacific early war) in the Pacific and Indian Oceans... The economics of scale still say the US would have prevailed, but the cost of victory and the lengthening of the war boggles the mind... and what about the Russians, post-August, 1945??? What if Patton wouldn't have died in a vehicle "accident"??? It would make a great "what-if" movie, eh?... lol

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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