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Old 09-11-22, 04:42 AM   #9
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More feedback:

- I hit a u-boat with depth charges, and my lookout reported an oil slick, but the sub was still alive and operational. I'm no expert, but if the sub is leaking oil that means it has a hole in it. I don't see how it can remain at 100% combat effectiveness if there's oil floating on the surface

- was the submerged speed changed for u-boats? They still seem like they're going too fast and are able to dodge a depth charge drop almost every single time. It doesn't matter if I go at them head on or if I plan my approach and try to come at them from their stern. They will make a hard turn and I can never get the charges to land exactly on him (except for one time, which I already explained above...oil slick but no kill)

- to add on to the last point, my escorts also have the same trouble sinking a u-boat. I've heard them make depth charge run after run with the same results I usually have, which is not hitting the target or getting a report of oil and debris but the target isn't sunk. Are the u-boats invincible in this closed-beta build?

- the sonar indicator will go in the opposite direction of what you've set the circular arrow button on the right to be. I find I have to click that button twice to get the indicator to match the direction of what the button shows if you leave the sonar screen and come back, especially after contact has been lost (usually during a depth charge drop)

- I've seen the periscope briefly using the lookout station, but then it suddenly disappears even though the automated lookout is still calling out they can see a periscope feather. I point right at the bearing with binocs but still can't see it, even after shooting star shells. It seems to be a graphical glitch

- If you load starshells, sometimes you can't unload them or switch back to normal shells after firing a starshell burst

- Sometimes you can't unclick the "radar track" button for the gun if you previously clicked it but the sub submerged and you lost the track. This results in the player unable to manually rotate the gun turret

- When tracking a sub and you lose contact, if there is another sub nearby that an escort is tracking and giving you bearings for, that new sub will automatically switch to be the new target even though you're still maneuvering and trying to find the original target. This can result in the sonar snapping to the new target and making it harder to find where the cursor originally was to attempt to switch back to the old target to track it using the sonar

In all, combined with my first feedback report, I don't think this closed-beta build is ready for an early access release, especially if the u-boats are somehow set to be invulnerable.
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