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Old 07-06-22, 08:49 PM   #9
CTD - it's not just a job
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The IJN subs in FotRSU did not have a CTD issue, nor was there a bit-depth mis-match. There was an issue if using non-FotRSU torpedo mods though. FotRSU's US_Topedo dat file relies on proper links between its own set of files, and external files such as the Zones.cfg file, as well as other files in the Library folder, such as the Particles.dat file. There was however, improper linking between the sub and the dsd, which caused an electric sound instead of diesel with the Sen Toku, or a diesel instead of electric as in the case of the Ko Hyoteki. There were also some texture issues with a couple. When the subs were subsequently copied out for other mods' use, they did not bring with them the specific files used in FotRSU, and that may have caused issues in other mods. As to what Niume has, he now states:
Originally Posted by Niume View Post
The depth charge sound repair mod is a fix for very short depth charge explosion effect. This fixed the issue where depth charge sounds would cut off in the middle of the explosion. The game crashed before activating this mod.
So I would be inclined to use the Stock game's sound files, and see what happens. If that doesn't work, look for other sounds that are interfering with the depth charge "explosion", such as the "splash" of the next can dropped. The Stock game is not very "robust" in its 'sound' engine.

As you say though, and as KM suggested, any ship / plane / sub vs equipment vs weapon vs ammo mis-match can do you in rather quickly also. An "I" (eye) is not the same as an "l" (el) is not the same as a 1 (one), and they always seem to meet in the game's files... similarly with O (oh) and 0 (zero). Then you can always try the propbeanie trick of dosing-off and doing a face-plant on the keyboard (or whatever happened) and generate a bunch of random characters in the middle of an otherwise "clean" file...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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