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Old 04-24-21, 05:45 PM   #3105
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Originally Posted by mikesn9 View Post
Prop: I have had similar things happen. I get a plane report on radar, and dive to a safe distance. The event camera pops up with a plane dropping a bomb near me (but not close enough to do harm.)
I did some experimenting:

a: dive by selecting a depth, I get the bomb
b: emergency dive 'ctrl d', no bomb
c: normal dive "d" key, no bomb. Don't forget to level off somewhere for b & c.

just some food for thought
Originally Posted by KaleunMarco View Post
and the results reported in a,b, & c were consistent in multiple dives?
that is amazing.
i will have to test that and see if i get the same results.

The "setting a depth" with the gauge is the slowest way to dive. Your crew is careful to not pull the plug too quickly and upset your cup of coffee on the tracking table. When you hit the "D" key, you get a faster dive once you are under. The planes will be set steeper, valves opened more - or whatever they are simulating. It is assumed though that you want to get deep. The Crash Dive opens everything, and "forget about the coffee, it's spilling!!!" I use the Crash Dive almost exclusively, once course is found to intersect. The Betty will use the radar hit as it's reference point to drop its ordnance, which if you used Crash Dive, in that half minute or so it take the plane to get to you, you should be far enough away, to where they might not drop at all. Using the normal dive, your "footprint" is on the surface longer, so they have a "target" area when they get close. At least, that's the way it seems, with all the testing we've been doing.

Originally Posted by flush deck View Post
Hi guys,

Thanks for your supports and your feedback The best boost to push on the rendering.
The idea is to make something that could be used from 1941 to 1945. And keep in mind the fact that most of those ships were frequency repaint with new camo scheme standards. But you're right, a version most in "wartime" spirit is finally better.
In the new skin, the weathering is not on the occlusion map, like the stock version, but on the skin itself. So that give the opportunity, with multiskin option from different wartime periods, to make something more clean for 1941, and more "rusty" for 42/43/44/45.

So, following your advices, I've made a more rusty version from the base one, sort of evolution of the first one, that show this version that haven't seen a dock since long, but not those wrecked style of the game base.

Here a pict that show on top the base one, for 1941, and the other more rusty for the rest of the war, so used on the two camo scheme.

[cool pix]

Here also some picts ingame

[more cool pix]

Thank you propbeanie, it seems that there was three camo scheme type.

[more cool pix]

The Measure 12 and 22 was used in the first time of the war, from 41 to 43. That was concealment concepts, the Measure 32 is based on the disruptive concept, and reinterpret the old dazzle concept of WW1, it was massively used from 42/43 to the end of the war. At the end of 44, beginning of 45, lot of ships received an overall dark colour, that has always been interpreted as dark navy blue, but the testimony of your dad show that there was some green, probably dark Olivdrab green. That's very interesting as I've never seen a colour illustration that show some green for USN. Thanks for that info, I couldn't make a Measure 22 on the Clemson because of the UV map, but it could be interesting to have an overall dark green version for 1945.

About the Measure 12 camo scheme, it's for sure something thought for Atlantic escort missions, it's because we find the concealment spirit with splashes of sky blue. Most of the Clemson and others DD types were used first in Atlantic duty and ASM tracking.

Fletcher and Asashio are on progress

Stay tuned
Excellent report, and thank you! My dad was on an LST for the Leyte landings, so since they were going in close, they painted themselves as the shoreline. Dad said the "jungle" of the area was actually rather "shiny" and reflective, and he said that the "flat" colors they used actually made them kind of stand out from the background... lol - There was a mix with the Fletchers Measures used, which were the most numerous US DD around them, in that some were a darker grey, some light grey, and few had on one of several camouflage or "disruptive" schemes. That probably depended upon where the various DesDivs came from, I would imagine. That would have been October of 1944, so they were probably mostly the disruptive (going by pictures I've seen) using "plain" blue/grey color Measures. I'll be calling him tomorrow afternoon, and I'll ask him what he remembers of the close-in ships versus the shore bombardment ships, versus the 'cover force" further out, and if there was a "plan" for the Measure schemes used.

Originally Posted by Bubblehead1980 View Post
Curious who has encountered AI enemy submarines on patrol? Have the fired torpedoes? Did your crew/ radar. sonar detect them? Warn? Were you able to see the torpedoes? Evade? I have yet to encounter but am curious.
I have encountered them several times, perhaps a bit too often... The easiest ones to find are up around Dutch Harbor, generally directly south by a hundred or two nm, and they'll be JyunsenB with scout planes that can and do attack you also... But yes, they do fire torpedoes, and you will see the "launch" if you have the event camera on, and not too much else is going on around you, somewhat like an airplane attack, except that you are seeing the front of a submarine, and a torpedo launching... rather scary, because your first thought is "Where is he?" then the next thought is "where is the torpedo coming from?", so you crash dive and turn, hoping you are turning the proper way, and not giving them a broadside... run to the sonar station, and try to find the sound of the torpedo, which does light the green light if you find it, as does the sub... I have had "Radar Contact, bearing..." etc., but they are not as "strong" as a ship, and we were in rather close at night, so a visual was not being announced, so having been the one to do the testing for them, I turned toward and crash dived, listening for a torpedo. Not "hearing" one, went to ahead one third, and came up to periscope depth, all the while monitoring the sonar station, because you do NOT get an "Incoming torpedo!!!" warning at all. But we heard the sub... pointed at him, and once at periscope depth, up easy with the scope, waited a few minutes and sure enough, the was a Type 1, so I shot 3 at him, and then crash dove. They reciprocated and sent a couple my way... mine hit, his missed... The only time I have been hit by them, is when I did not do any evasive moves. Sunk once, survived a 2nd, but barely made it back. I have also been hit by the DD, with one detonating on my periscope shears and eventually sinking me, another hit the boat just forward of the conn, but did not sink us. Same with circle runners and other torpedo hits - sometimes they take you out, sometimes not... But you do get sonar warnings for the sub, if he is making noise. You do NOT get that for torpedoes. You do get radar warning for subs, but they are small, so you have to be in closer. You do not get anything for torpedoes. You get a visual for the submarines, if you get in close enough, but apparently, no one can see a torpedo track - no matter who or what shoots it... I played a game (AOTD?? SH1?? Up Periscope?? etc) that you DID have warning, but not SH4 - except the Event Camera... lol

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna

Last edited by propbeanie; 04-24-21 at 06:22 PM. Reason: Wow! and i've been to college!!! sprelling been beddy beddy good ah-me
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