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Old 11-13-20, 08:34 PM   #2197
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Originally Posted by Tucker View Post
Thanks for the quick response! And yes I have a save at the end of my patrol, prior to coming into port, and then the autosave when I left for my patrol.

Also I think I got the refit so late because in my past two patrols, ending in September and November, I was offered a new command, and then offered a flotilla command. Both of them I turned down. Waiting on Gato or Balao class. They keep offering me Salmons instead .

So to fix this do I need to load the autosave from the start of the patrol and swap out my 4in for 3in gun, so when I get the refit I dont loose my gun slots?

Well, I have replicated the issue, and I have attempted what I thought would be an easy text-based "fix" for you, that would put the problem out of its misery, but the game refuses to cooperate with me in that manner. Apparently once set, it is in stone. So what you can attempt to do is load that previous Save and get your gun crews back into the repair team slots, then dock and end patrol. Accept the gun. Save the game and exit. Note the time. Then use the technique in

Post 2027 - Possible Deck Gun Fix For Failed Balao Boat Upgrade:

But modify it for your boat and gun. You are messing with the Save file, so back-up that folder by copying and pasting it somewhere else for the "just-in-case" scenario. The S-18 (and 42) only have a bow gun, which since there isn't a stern torpedo room, the deck gun ends up in Compartment 6, instead of 7 & 8, so adjust accordingly. The gun should be listed as "3inch .50cal CannonSClass" though, while the fleet boats use the "3inch .50cal Cannon". I have not proven conclusively yet, as to whether the listing of the AcceptedTypes is the problem, or the typo in the 4" gun on the S-18 boat. I don't think I'm going to worry too much about it, since it is addressed for the next version, as are all of the guns. Most were correct, but the incorrect ones caused issues (S18, Balao & Tench) when upgrading. I don't think we have completely "fixed" the Stock and other mods' issue with losing crews and guns though, just improved the reliability some...

Originally Posted by J0313 View Post
I'm waiting for the final no bull version. Then I'll start playing.
I don't know as there will ever be a "final no bull" version. We strive for perfection, but are far from it, being human. At this point, besides trying to troubleshoot, which is very important for future improvements & fixes, we do try to add some "bling" each time, as well as do some internal "tweaks" for game efficiency and uniformity, since FotRSU is huge. I just completed an S-18 patrol, checking and maybe fixing what Tucker just found. A video of an encounter in the next version will be going up on YouTube as I sleep tonight, and hopefully, if all goes well, it will be online by the morning, Eastern time. Most likely a three-parter due to YouTube not liking me anymore... but it will be of what we have for the next release, not that you'll notice much it being an S-18 featured, but the Part 2 of the video is the ASW response I got (no added mods), which for January 1943 "looks" about right... maybe. We'll need opinions on the vidz also... Several smaller escorts stay out of the way of the "real" ASW DD that I didn't even realize were nearby at the time of the attack, though I did suspect there were other ships lurking.

We were going to release the next version 2 weeks ago, and found more issues when fixing other things (top-secret kinda stuff), and then mazzi (thank you very much again) found us the problem with the guns not upgrading properly. All of the boats have been run through for those again, which will of course, ruin several add-in mods, including (but not limited to) vickers03's Officer's Country mod. This is why we didn't want to do add-in mods before certain aspects of the mod were "complete", but just when you think something is close to complete, someone finds some leftover skeletons in the closet, and a can of worms that has spoiled in the hot sun, so I would say we are at least 2 weeks away from a release, but this is a modder talking, ~and~ we will be closing on our houses and moving in the next two weeks, so if we hit Christmas, we'll be doing good...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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