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Old 10-23-20, 10:55 PM   #2051
CTD - it's not just a job
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Originally Posted by torpedobait View Post
My Save File 0000018 is the most recent; the folder date/time values are 10/21/2020 (4:34pm).

The CareerTrack.upc folder stamps are 10/21/2020 (4:27pm).

Note that upon arriving in the Office from that 5th patrol I deleted some interim saves I had taken during the patrol. Upon completion of a patrol (with no intention of going back in time) I only keep my departure, the arrival, an "In Port" save with all changes made in the office, and one that shows the next departure date (I peek at the orders to see what that date is). So while the last file is 00000018, the one previous is 00000013. Hope that makes sense.

The 00000018 save file is one I took after giving out promotions, awards and taking a new deck gun (same position, bow mount). The next save would have been one with the departure date.

If you need me to make a "clean" record of the saves, I can go back to the departure date for the 5th patrol, rerun it as though I'd never been on it, and not save anything except the end of patrol arrival in port, one for any changes made to the boat or crew, and try to get a departure date again. Your call.
The latest Save and the "UPCInitial" versions of the CareerTrack.upc are supposed to match... Does 00000013 folder's date / time stamp match the UPCInitial folder's? if so, I would use that Save, which might be the in-office? Prior to promotions etc?? That might get you back in-sync. But I do not understand how it got out of sync... KaleunMarco and others have attempted to alter the ID Code in the files, but I think that block-size file (of which I cannot remember the name of right now) is the be-all-end-all of the process, and if the bytes don't match, the files & game aren't truly "Saved", so instead they get "trashed" and you CTD... I dunno. But don't use whatever is in that 18 folder... are you sure that's not a 2019 date or something?... lol - I have done that, and recently also... - oldmanitis...

Originally Posted by the beast View Post
I had an interesting issue in last night's gameplay.

As you can see, there is a faint merchant contact west of my submarine
Yet I zoom in and it moves positions
Even weirder, it's stationary
IN the middle of the Flores Sea
Any idea what this is and if it is an issue on my side or the mod itself.
First time it has happened to me, hasn't happened again.
Several things. I do not have the best of screens to look at things on here, but it looks like you had a visual sighting (red square) on the ship. Either it submerged (submarine), or you and your crew lost sight of it due to fog, darkness or obstruction. Somewhat like a "radar blip", they will "fade-out" and disappear, unless contact is re-established. The radio reports are similar, in that you are given a "Enemy Convoy reported 34°15'N x 168°42'E Heading 42° Medium Speed" or some-such (what I just made-up there may well be on land). The contact in Stock is initially shown as a red square with a "tail" on it, signifying direction. It will then fade to grey, then light grey, etc. until it disappears, which signifies its "age" and the passing of time...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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