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Old 08-27-20, 10:35 PM   #1689
CTD - it's not just a job
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Originally Posted by Kieldk View Post
First of ALL i want too congratulate the FOTRSU for this great great mod!

I Like the detailed mission objectives and the graphics and so on ����


I feel that the enemy AI is Way to easy
I mean i almost never get depth charged in this mod

It’s Like the enemy dd dont know how to even use Them ?

Often when im detected i manage to sneak away with 0% damage

I know early in the war enemy asw wasnt good , but when i read the real war patrol Recordings og several submarines even early in the war i read that Many of Them often endured several hours of depth charging

Is it possible to make harder AI? Or perhaps make a bonus mod you could activate if u wanted too?

I dont mean tmo hard but just harder!��

Keep up the good work and stay online!
Your mod is Amazing!
Originally Posted by Moonlight View Post
^Yep I must agree with you on the not being depth charged in the early phase of the war part, a stock level mod to start off with and 2 or 3 more difficulty mods to go with it would really spice things up, meh! I've finally flipped my bloody lid, don't read this Mr beanie I've gone nuts......
Too late now, you two nut cakes! The ASW AI has been beefed-up. You don't even get 2 seconds of periscope exposure and they're putting 6.2 inch munitions down your mirrored tube, and making new hatches for water ventilation in your conn... then the extra escorts will drop ash cans down onto the cigarette deck and turn it into a poop deck for you...

But actually, we have four different AI altering mods laying about, that we've been testing a while. They aren't as "deaf" in the one, which really causes issues getting away, so is too much right now. There used to be a Tokko's Revenge mod, and this is beyond that... - we'll do like a v1.21 here in a few days with some skin fixes and a few campaign file adjustments, then get to attempting another full release with a few surprises attached...

But still... I don't know what it is, but I have no difficulty in getting depth-charged... constantly even at times, in spite of 50rpm, less than a knot in speed, below the thermal, silent running - and I will invariably find the super sub hunter from H. E. double hockey stix and his cousin Killem Ahl, along with a handful of their buddies that they called over from another convoy, so that they can do the Mexican Hat Dance on us for several hours, causing damage after damage, that we don't always recover from... Some of the ASW vessels are definitely weaker than others, but some are just downright persistent... Thing is, quite a few folks complain about the airplanes, but those are easy for me. Don't be seen. If you're seen, go down for a bit. Come back up. If they're there again, go down for the rest of the day, then run away at night, and find someplace else to play. Airplanes were almost a constant thing at times in real life - at least from what I've read, but depth chargings didn't always happen, and sometimes the charges that were dropped were off by a good bit... like thousands of yard away...

Originally Posted by Michael Wood View Post
I received the direction to sail submerged in daylight within 500 miles of an enemy airfield. How do I know when that is the case?
See, there is these little circular "Rising Sun" flags on the NavMap to denote where the major bases are. That if you wanted to get "technical" with it, you would draw yourself a 500nm circle around those little airbase markers, and submerge by daylight hours when inside your circles, or do like a lot of the skippers did back then, and just submerge when the sun lightens the horizon, and don't surface until well after sunset... or just stay up top until you "see" an airplane. Just remember that they can come in below radar, and out of the clouds or sun, in spite of radar and a fully qualified watch crew... Go and be careful! Only problem is, someone set their "zoom" too small, and you have to know where they are, like at Truk, to be able to find them... We'll try to get them back to like the US "Star" marker for airbases. The GB and Aussie markers also see to be "off", shall we say?...

btw, I have found a few of those historical early "directives" like that, and some of them were really worded strangely. The ComSubs would come up with their "directive", and number them, beginning with 1 after each New Year, such as 42-1 or 43-52, etc. They were mostly typed-up and put on the bulletin board, and all skippers had to make a copy available to themselves and carry that copy with them on the boat, only to come in from patrol and get reprimanded for traveling submerged too much... lol - watcha gonna do?...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna

Last edited by propbeanie; 08-27-20 at 10:59 PM.
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