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Old 06-04-20, 09:52 AM   #1189
CTD - it's not just a job
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Originally Posted by torpedobait View Post
In all my days of playing multiple versions of SH4 and SH3 I have NEVER come across anything like this.

Not sure how clearly you can see it in the picture, but it shows a Japanese flagged medium tanker surrounded by three US Patrol boats, apparently a captive ship! The US boats are illuminating the tanker with searchlights, but no one is doing any shooting! This occurred within the port of Kimbe, Borneo on April 1, 1944 (22:24). I was in the USS Gato on a patrol out of Perth/Fremantle, using the Free Camera to check out the port. My position was approximately 7 Nm NNE of the port.

If this was intended, my hats off to the Mod Team. If not, Hats off to whoever came up with it. This was a totally unexpected event and just an amazing sight.
We would have to acknowledge the efforts of the original AOTD_MadMax team for that. There are several harbors throughout the game that have overlapping "occupation" dates. We have not attempted to "clean" that up. If we end up writing our little "campaign" app, we might try, but otherwise, unless it is something just way "off", we'll leave most of that be. But in the game, the US vessels start on January 16 (minimal armament, btw), and the Japanese "leave" in May. If you used the external camera for that 7nm distance, that is well beyond the "normal" display render, so you would not "see" the dock that is between the left & right US vessels and the Japanese vessel. The "top" US vessel is anchored in the harbor.

Originally Posted by XenonSurf View Post
Technical questiion about increasing traffic and convoy/task force reports for the US career in FOTRSU:
If I want to achieve that, is it correct to modify the files in the Data\Campaigns\Campaign folder, all the *.mis files in the main Campaign folder and modify the ...

ReportPosMin= [decrease value for more contact reports]
ReportPosProbability= [increase value for more contact reports]

I plan to add a middle value increase based on FOTRSU standard and stock campaign for all these values. This will of course only work as long as FOTRSU doesn't add new units in the mod by changing these files again.
There actually is no "standard" per se, other than running the simulation in the ME and observing how traffic shows, and where... We have done minimal routing changes, unless a group was routed over land (which there were a few of those). You do also receive "reports" from any contact with US forces. Using the ReportPosMin would be based upon a general idea of where the group originates, and where it will be about that time (in minutes). That "time" is used for all of the reports, based upon the percentage of the "probability", so if you set something to ReportPosMin=1440, that is 24 hours. Set the ReportPosProbability to 100%, and you will get entirely too many reports, all at the same time, almost like one of the ships in the convoy is a traitor, and radios their position when they get off duty everyday... very unrealistic. Not every group would have a report either. You could also try like Traveler did with his mod for TMO, where he had "Observation Posts" that would report your submarine's location if you were within visual range of it. Make that an Australian CoastWatcher position, and it can "report" the IJN movements... maybe... I've never tried that...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna

Last edited by propbeanie; 06-04-20 at 10:01 AM. Reason: XenonSurf reply
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