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Old 04-21-20, 06:43 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by nazaka View Post

During my patrols, I have had several times a yellow radio message giving me the coordinates of a reported contact.
The trouble is, every time I've been in the area, nothing in sight, nothing on the hydrophone...

What's infuriating is that the last time I was very close to the area, less than 50 miles from the coordinates.
I was going at 14 knots, nothing in sight... the hydrophone's not giving anything...

Is it a bug in the game, or is it just that the system's broken?
Yellow contact reports are genuine but extremely unreliable because the time when contact is spotted is not reported. It may be report for a neutral or friendly unit as well. Yellow reports are triggered by your status reports...

Last edited by vdr1981; 05-28-20 at 08:53 AM.
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