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Old 04-04-20, 11:36 AM   #678
CTD - it's not just a job
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Originally Posted by KaleunMarco View Post
uh, henderson field opened for business about a week after the marines landed in early august 1942.
i believe the game establishes an airfield in september 1942.
so, it is entirely normal for torpedobait to see us air assets in december 1942.
as far as the aircraft crashing is concerned, i suspect that it has to do with the parameters defined for the aircraft/squadron. for example, if the aircraft has a defined air envelope of 500-1000 ft and is following a flight path that includes mountains that exceed that altitude, well....
unfortunately, i do not know where the squadron/aircraft definitions are hiding in SH4, otherwise i would look them up for you.
- I was seeing his date as the 12th of May, 1942... - The aircraft's CrewRating is influenced by the AirBase's rating, which in all locations in FotRSU is "Elite" so that the planes are "Elite". The main issue, I suspect, is the "Minimum Speed" setting of airplanes in the game. If you ever use the Mission Editor and insert an airplane, it makes it 90knots at 500m height. The height ~should~ not be an issue (though well could be), but the 90 knot speed definitely is, since it is below the "stall" speed of most of the airplanes, and borderline on the others. I am currently attempting testing in this regard, and have found other issues also that we're trying to define. With this 'new' discovery, there is no apparent issue seen in the game, ~unlesss~ I Save, Exit, re-enter and then Load that Save... so we do have our suspect surrounded, just not identified yet... I am trying to figure-out parameters to do testing of the AirBases, to see what they send out, when they send it out, and now if they'll fly over mountains, or attempt to go through them. It might all depend upon where your submarine is in relation to a land mass when the planes "spawn" into the game... btw: the airplanes for an AirBase are "defined" in the AirBases' Land folder, in the cfg file. The particular plane by date, along with the number of them. Also, there is the "default" 90 knots, and each plane has a "MaxSpeed", but with the 500 m height that is "default", I find no "MaxHeight" figure... so do they just fly at 500m except to attack?... that would not be good in a game with the topography of SH4... lol

Originally Posted by LCQ_SH View Post

I've been waiting for months this release.

I'm just wondering if the escort's sensors were diminished or will they improve with time?

I happened to be next to a task force mid 1942, got a CL and I was not even thrown a single depth charge.

I've got only one CTD, and it was for the new construction 1942. Tried it a few times. Is this normal?

Thanks a lot
The "New Construction" starts have been largely ignored for the last few releases and may well have issues. I'll try to look into them. They are very sensitive to time constraints, which we seem to change in every release. As to the escorts' responses, a lot of what you see throughout the game is very dependent upon the escort ship itself. Some platforms have no sonar gear onboard, so you would not get a response from them, unless you or your torpedo track was seen. However, when attacking a Task Force, you generally have fully-equipped DD that are guarding the group, and you should see a rather robust response, even if they are rather inept early in the war. As for differences in response between 1941 and 1945, those are not as pronounced as they were in some of the beta releases, but we do hope to get back to that with the next release, and then have add-in mods for a player to use for more-difficult settings if desired. We haven't gotten to that point yet.

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna

Last edited by propbeanie; 04-04-20 at 11:48 AM. Reason: btw...
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