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Old 03-03-20, 03:56 PM   #526
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Originally Posted by Torpedo View Post
Hi propbeanie!
You wrote:
"The most consistent way to induce the gauges to quit is to have an AI Submarine that shares the same parts as your submarine, comes within the" spawning range "of your submarine, which is somewhere between 24 and 32 km, depending upon whose data you believe concerning the "spawning range". This occurs from having the parts of the submarines "conflict" with each other. In FotRSU, we are reasonably certain we have eliminated this type of issue, by having separate parts and 3D models of the submarines and their parts for all of the AI ​​submarines. "
Ok, so with Porpoise if I meet a Japanese submarine between 24 and 32 km in FotRSU the problem of blocked gauges is solved. But with the Porpoise I met a C3 submarine that blocked my gauges as I showed with the screenshot and with the data you requested from me.
What is the solution? Choose a submarine other than Porpoise?
Did this problem only happen to me or to other captains and how did they solve it? It seems that, returning to the base, everything is fixed.
Anyway I start with a new career with a different submarine and with FalloftheRisingSun_UltimateEdition_v1.004.a_EN and I hope well !!!
Sorry if I repeat myself but I would like to solve this problem.
I have run several different missions in Single Missions, Quick Patrols and Career, and I cannot replicate this issue yet Torpedo. I have not lost my gauges on a Porpoise boat yet. I will change that to a Tambor next, and see what happens with it.

Originally Posted by Fire View Post
I have a problem loading my campaign save files.

Two days ago I reinstalled SH4 from scratch as mentioned in the FOTRS readme. (clean game, LAA fix, JSGME, FOTRS 1.004.a)
I started a new Fleetboat campaign which ran smooth. I even could save and load my game.
Yesterday on my third patrol I also created a few savegames. But now I can't load anyone of them. Upon saving I made sure the boat was surfaced an no enemy contact nearby.
When I load a game I get the loading bar and after that the black screen and textbox "No mission to difficult". After that comes a Crash to Desktop, no error message or similar.

Autosaves created in Port load fine.

Any suggestions?
I often can play only for a hour or two on evenings, so when the save / load function doesn't work fine I'll never finish a campaign...

System Spec:
Win 10 Prof 64bit (V 1909)
CPU Intel i4790k
8 GB RAM (DDR 3 3200)
GeForce GTX970
Originally Posted by JuicemanJ View Post
How do i know i got the Mod installed or not? I was expecting in the load screen to see something different. I just built a new rig and installed from steam and have not played the game for years. Something in the menu or anything to let me know? I did not boot the game before i installed to see if there was a difference.
Originally Posted by FotRSU Mod Team View Post
... You should supply your computer information, such as cpu, gpu, RAM, hard drive(s) and free space, whether you emptied the old Save folder, your OS, whether 32-bit or 64-bit and where the game you have modded is installed. We also need what mods are activated (use the JSGME "Export activated mods list to..."). As for a potential bug, besides the previously mentioned, we also need the date of the occurrence and the location - the more accurate, the better - THIS IS IMPORTANT - it is also nice to know what submarine you are in, the date you sailed, where did you sail from, what were your orders and what are the surrounding circumstances... The more information you supply, the better. Without it, the task of finding what you consider as an issue is much more difficult. Pictures and / or video are greatly appreciated. Thank you....
One of you guys got a portion of the one section of instructions, but not the other. The other one of you got a portion of the other section, but not the first set of instructions... lol - Fire, where were you when this bad Save happended? Where had you sailed from? What date approximately was it? What is your mod list? - JuicemanJ, what are your computer specs, and where do you have the game installed? There is a definite splash screen for the mod, which consists of the Ubisoft SH4 logo, over the

picture, along with the "Fall of the Rising Sun Ultimate Edition" text. Definitely different than Stock. Steam defaults to installing the game in "C:\Program Files (x86) \Steam \SteamApps \common \Silent Hunter..." which is controlled by Windows. All sorts of files will be restored to their previous state because of the Windows UAC and other 'modern technologies' that MS has introduced since the Windows XP days. If SH4 is about the only Steam game you have, then it might be easier to re-install and change the install folder to something you've created yourself that is outside of a Program Files folder. If you have a 2nd hard drive available, you can create a 2nd Steam Library folder on that drive, and install SH4 there. Or you can "move" the install by hand... Consult the Steam Knowledgebase Article "Moving a Steam Installation and Games" for more info. Be sure and de-activate FotRSU or any other mods you have first, then move your MODS folder out of there so you don't lose it. After you are installed in a better location and have re-activated your mod(s), be sure and empty the Save folder C:\Users \UserName \Documents \SH4", to be certain that the mod will take and copy to there... If you don't empty the Save folder, a goodly portion of the Save data is not overwritten. If you don't start the game though, you won't have Save data...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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