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Old 12-09-19, 09:05 AM   #1355
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Originally Posted by ErdiFerenc View Post
thanks for the answer.
Is the resolution too low or what is the matter?
So some more screens:

If i enable the normal map a strange white line appears on the hull.On one side of the line is the normal map good, but on the other side it is inverted.I looks like the silent hunter can not decide which side of the hull is up and which down and balls up the normal map.
Hi again ErdiFerenc,

unfortunately making a diagnosis of your problem based on the pictures you have posted, is not an easy task. I see the white line on the port side of the hull (if I got you correctly that's your main issue), but it doesn't look like anything I have seen before. Provided that the 3D mesh you have imported is not flawed by some topological error which is worsened by the use of a normal map, the following tutorial on SH4 normal mapping might be of some use to you:

That's about all I can say without actually seeing your files. If you send them to me I might be able to offer you a better assistance

Originally Posted by propbeanie View Post
If that turm and other on-deck equipment are supposed to be on the submarine that is in the "water", then the node placements are "off" and the numbering relationships for such needs to be changed. However, the same problem exists in all of your screen grabs there that gap was referring to before, in that all the pictures have the same basic "perspective", in that it looks like the turm and deck gun etc., might be "stuck" to the top of your screen. If you could pull the camera back a bit further, so a person can see an overall of the sub in an image, and maybe do a close-up from the conn on the submarine, showing the relationship between it and what appears to be a turm "floating" in the sky?...
Hi propbeanie,

I think ErdiFerenc's unit is still a WIP. That floating conning tower seems to me a leftover from the submarine that he used as template for importing the Seehund, but let's focus on the normal map problem first
|May the Force be with you!|
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