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Old 06-27-19, 01:10 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Doolar View Post
I myself cut the engines back to 50rpm as mentioned above and keep it there changing course by 3-5 degrees to the port or starboard and never more. I never go to flank while depth charges are raining down. I maintain 50rpm. Most have had good results with this tactic, I haven't. Maybe my timing's off, cause all I accomplish is re-alerting them. As for depth, I like to maintain the option of being able to dive deeper if need be. I don't like to loose my depth option right away. so I usually like to be at between 140-160 meters for starters. That way I can go up, down, port or starboard, if I need to. I also never ever use time compression to speed thing up, you might not be able to react to something in time or worse, recover. I play it like this and eventually they move off. Finally when the do give up, I wait for them to get about 6km away before coming off silent running and slide away at 3kts and reload tubes. When they're 10kms distant, I surface, recharge, and send BDU a patrol status report. I find that escaping is just as or more exciting then hunting
Thanks, good advice! However, I can't find the RPM gauges. Are they hidden somewhere?
U-569 makes the contact and lead them,
U-94 scores a kill in the dark.
U-124 sinking four in two approaches,
406 suffers failure on launch again.
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