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Old 10-12-17, 05:58 PM   #5
Ocean Warrior
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Just keep in mind, in RA *any* weapon has some odds of being a dud.
Ivan mentions that in the readme's, he might have buried it in the fine print, but he does mention it.

I don't think I've had an actual torp failure in 1.43 yet, but someone else was speculating that torps are now less likely to hit their target if that target is a modern sub. I've also had my back sides handed to me on some missions by the AI.

In 1.43's quick missions, I've had to work a lot more against the newer subs but ships haven't changed much and I had a pretty easy time against a Foxtrot last night.

For now, I'm giving Ivan the benefit of the doubt. Think about it, some of us are still playing a ten year old game and its still throwing curves at us.

In terms of history, SC and DW were always meant to reflect modern warfare. Maybe, in the meantime, some Navy's didn't invest a lot and tried to skate by while others poured a lot of money into their fleet and training?

How do you, as the player, deal with that?

Besides, we're talking RA 1.43. Maybe things will change again by RA 1.55?
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