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Old 10-09-17, 10:27 PM   #5
CTD - it's not just a job
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There are so many holes in the Windows app store though. I can't think of the app now (guitar tab??), but my son cannot find a particular class of app, yet there are over a dozen of them to choose from for my Android tablet, from several free, to a few inexpensive offerings, all the way up to a whopping $10US for the "expensive" version. I'll not bring up the Windows "CTDs" on his fone, but multiple times a day...

As a side note, I taught him and the younger boy how to do "game" programming a couple of years ago for the XBox 360, and all that was going to be portable over to the phones... well, it was... for about 6 months, then just like they did when I was trying to program Access v2 back when (Win31 days), MS decided to keep moving the goal posts, and changed not only the language & tools, but the pre-reqs ~and~ the platforms ~and~ the OS... Designed obsolescence... keep the customer forking over money. Just like Apple does... btw, what is an XBox X1? or is it 1X??... wow

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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