Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 07-22-17, 02:06 AM   #5059
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Originally Posted by torpedobait View Post
Propbeanie asked: "As for those shots torpedobait, the ships being hung in mid-air is from "flying in" on the exterior camera. However, the ships having spawned, then crashed and burned on a hillside is not cool... Which harbor are you at there?"

The harbor is Miyako (Northern Honshu). The "flying" ships were viewed with the "Next Ship" camera (>) and were shown to be mixed in with the single file convoy I was tracking. The Free Camera (F12) did not show themat all when I approached my target convoy, which I thought was even stranger. It only showed them burning on the hillside after I had dropped the agent and used it (F12) to peer into Miyako harbor. They appeared to be the same ships I had seen earlier, positionally with respect to each other, and by type.

The sequence of events was like this: I tracked a convoy by passive sonar. I had not encountered many single-file groups before, so curiosity got the better of me and I used the Next Ship cam to see what was out there. It showed me a ship in the convoy, but surrounding it were a number of burning ships, some completely airborne and obviously misplaced. Next I used the Free Cam to confirm the mess I had found. That one showed NO burning ships, only the five or six ships in the single file convoy.

Later, after dropping off an agent( per tasking) just outside Miyako harbor, I saw a lot of smoke over the harbor in the periscope, and used the Free Cam to investigate. That's when I saw the ships all aground, some up the hill far beyond where momentum might have taken them. Again, this was in the October-November 1943 time frame.
Thanks to a lot of help, I've fixed my problem of how to post pictures, Unfortunately, I no longer have them since I cleaned things up to install v0.63. Sigh.
OK, with a little bit of tweaking on the German side of things, I've snuck myself into Miyoka for a close look, and wonder of wonders:

The hills are definitely polluted with the detritus of a multitude of broken vessels... wow! college words even... This is looking in toward the harbor, but at the first hill short of it, looking Southwest. The 1st set of docks are across the water to the left, behind all that smoke.

This is looking almost Northwest at the same area, but from across the bay.

Same spot as the 2nd above, but now looking Southwest where the actual harbor is, and where the ships ~should~ be... This now invovles changes to at least a dozen files, since I split the Jap_HarborTraffic file, but we'll get it prettied-up before too long. If anyone else encounters similar, be sure and let us know! This is relatively easy to fix, but we have to know where to look - thanks.

Edit: After much looking and looking and opening and closing of multiple files, there is still an issue with Jap_HarborTraffic.mis. I do not know how it's loading, but it is... more studying is called for here... What's happening is there are 2 outbound groups that generate once every 24 hours at 100%, one tanker and one transport. There is one inbound group, one DE, one tanker, one transport, one freight, one hospital ship, that spawns every 48 hours at 100%. They are meeting in the bay, and crashing into each other continually from 1938 through 1945. This is why the file was split... so why is it loading?... - very strange (for now).

Originally Posted by CapitaCatalunya View Post
Hey propbeanie

Indeed the Narwhal is available from the 8 dec. 1941 campaign on in Manila.

I basically only get "deliver" campaigns, be it agents, troops and supplies all the way until may '42 (the longest I played) from a given point, maybe february 42 I juat wasn't able to deliver anything, the "send the boat" command wouldn't work no matter what I tried, as I've said I damaged plenty of subs by beaching them trying to get the nearest possible to the coast
OK, thanks. I'll be checking into that later today. So it's a May of 42 mission that starts going astray for you?... do you remember the drop-off location by chance?

Second Edit: Was it by change an Insert Spy Yellow Sea, up by Korea?... I've found a ~bad~ issue with one of those...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna

Last edited by propbeanie; 07-22-17 at 09:31 AM. Reason: say whuh?... Then "Yellow Sea"
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