Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 07-03-17, 09:49 AM   #4857
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Well, I had one hit the shears a while back and detonate while playing - er, "testing" - FotRSU. Ruined the scopes of course, but there weren't any issues with coming out on the conn when surfaced. Had another hit towards the aft torpedo room that was a dud. I don't think there was any flooding at all from that, and I don't recall as there was even any hull damage... can't remember for certain. That was in TMO 2.5. I've had a few others that missed me somehow. You could hear them go by, but why the sonar guy doesn't say something is beyond me.

This one pretty well holed the hull, as you could see, and in an old Sugar boat, you noticed an immediate change in orientation, started to corkscrew a bit, with the tail down, and dropped to 60 ft and more right away. Blew the tanks and did get to the surface. I did not save, but wish I would have, because I did not look at the damage screen. I was too focused on "I gotta sink that dad-blamed sub." I had shot 3 previous torps at it, two of which hit the moving tanker on a parallel course (which I then missed when I tried to hit it... ). I think my sonarman helped me and changed the focus or something because at the time, there was like 12-15 degrees difference in bearing. Anyway, you hear my sub's damage report immediately after the hit, but the deck gun worked, so... I forgot about the rest, and lo and behold, about 15 minutes later, we started submerging again. Took a while, but... - I do wish they had an "Abandon Ship" button in there, with the life rafts, but alas, all you do is spiral down into the black until you encounter "crush depth", which wasn't very deep with a hole like that in the boat...

That was the first time I've been sunk by a torpedo. I've had bombs land on the deck, in the conn, behind the conn, and survived probably about 1/2 of them, though heavily damaged in all cases. I've been holed a few times with what I'm going to guess was 5" shells, survived once, died untold times (super human accuracy in FotRSU). I've been hit by shore emplacements twice, survived one, and sank really fast in another (probably multiple guns, multiple hits). Add all of them together, and they probably don't even equal one tenth of the times I've been depth-charged into "Game Over"... - on the other side of that, I've had to put 2-3 torps into enemy subs to get them to go down...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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