Thread: TLAM Strikes?
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Old 06-26-17, 12:22 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by jenrick View Post
I think it's kind of shady to have the players success or failure based on having the missile actually strike the target. We're not setting up a TLAM strike with waypoints etc as one in the real world.

I'd either have it set to where the player just has to launch the 10 TLAM's into the circle (simulating the first waypoint or something), or they need to get to specific location on the strategic map (this is how RSR did it).

I'd prefer the second option personally. Real world if I've got some time in the schedule and also have a missile with over a 1,000 NM range, I'm going to find a nice quiet spot in the ocean away from everyone to launch them, rather then sailing in artillery range of the base almost to launch them. It'd be one thing if they were say strikes against in-land targets, but they way it's written it's against coastal targets you can almost launch from port (it's 1,500 miles from Holy Loch to Murmansk straight line). You can hit Murmansk from the middle of the Norwegian Sea with no issues, and with missiles have a semi-realistic flight path (minimum of 100 miles off shore until the final leg).

I like the mission concept, just the way it's done it feels to forced. You have to sail in close enough to almost launch a SEAL team to launch a cruise missile with a 1,500 mile range to hit the port?! In RSR it worked well, as embarking TLAM's really took up a lot of stores space, so you dodged any contacts while you worked your way close to the launch point. Once you got close enough, it was a cut scene and your were given a mission success.

It could be argued that TLAM strikes have to be carried out from as close as possible to minimize the chance of detection and interception. Considering warships are constantly patrolling the waters, if you were to fire cruise missiles from hundreds of miles away, you'd give the enemy ample time to put vessels in the warheads' path and easily shoot them all down.

You already have considerably less than 100% accuracy being around the corner. Imagine if the Soviets had something like an hour to make sure that figure is zero.
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