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Old 06-14-17, 04:42 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Haukka81 View Post
My two cents :

* What ever it takes don't allow AI cheat.
I agree 100%.
Originally Posted by Haukka81 View Post
* Keep it simple first, code AI subs first to drive and evade: If bottom is less than 500ft away, no hard dive angles > now they hit bottom time to time.
Here I don't fully agree. If you use your planes/ballast correctly you can do sharp dive manoeuvres as long as you have 300 ft below the keel. Make that 350 with a margin for error. All the AI needs to do is to go full planes+ballast initially, then when you're about 75ft (a more precise values can be found through testing) from desired depth go full reverse. Works every time.
Originally Posted by Haukka81 View Post
* Next tell them how to evade, if xxx feet water up or down, maybe fire snap shot and then turn tail to incoming torpedo, drop noisemaker -> go up or down and turn same time. Use more vertical movements and layers.
IMHO the only thing preventing the AI from doing snapshots is if they're already too fast. I know they do it sometimes (example below).
Originally Posted by Haukka81 View Post
*Some random things so AI wont be too easy to make always same things.
That's a good point too (although a bit time-consuming on the programming side).

From my point of view, the biggest problem with the AI, something that absolutely needs to be done is their defensive actions. First, as I said before, snapshots. They do it sometimes, but far too rare. It should be a no brainer. It not only keeps the player worried but it will also force him to turn away, thus braking the wires so the AI can then move out of the way (which they don't do very often too) of a torpedo.
It's methods for evading a homing torpedo are also pathetic. From what I've noticed it first turns away from it (which is good), then when torpedo is close it drops a noisemaker (also good) but then it will immediately turn in a random direction (very bad). What it should do instead is one of two things:
- if there's no room for vertical manoeuvres it should wait until the torpedo starts its turnaround pattern and then turn in the opposite direction, but no more that 45 degrees. Then, if the torpedo reacquires, again, turn away from it and repeat the whole process
- if there is enough room for vertical manoeuvres it should, just as above wait until the torpedo goes around the noisemaker and then move up/down as fast as possible (planes and ballast) and turn into the torpedo. Then decide which action to take depending on whether the torpedo is where there is room to manoeuvre (for ex. torp below and room below = first action / torp below, room above = second action).

If there are more torpedoes, especially from different angles it should check which one presents more danger and fool it first, then try to fool the next one with a knuckle.
This should greatly improve their survivability.

As for avoiding sea floor, I think the technique should be simple. 100 feet below keel and diving = planes + ballast fully up until levelled. The same goes for avoiding unwanted surfacing. It will not make them impervious to torpedoes but it will at least give them the chance of surviving.

When it comes to surface vessels they should just use the first method from the two above. I think it's also reasonable to increase load times for decoys. I don't know if it's realistic or even feasible but perhaps also try to shoot down incoming torps?

PS. That snapshot I wrote above. It sounds embarrassing, but I was once trailing a Whiskey and got so cocky that I decided to move within 1KYDS before firing a torpedo. As soon as I did it he fired back (should he really detect a launch of a passive torpedo from his baffles is another thing) and I had no time to react. His torpedo hit me right in the bow of the ship. I think that just proves the point of defensive snapshot's potential.
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