Thread: [REL] FOTRS Ultimate Project
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Old 08-06-16, 08:30 PM   #1089
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Hey uh, I just found an issue, sort-of... I think that the Single Mission is a modified one that AOTD_MadMax must have used for testing purposes. The folder is named "SM06 Photo Recon". The game menu name would normally be "Photo Recon". I was just after a SM after having lost my boat in the Campaign earlier, and I saw one that I ~thought~ was one of cdrsubron7's, and loaded it. The name begins with B-something-or-other... dad-blame, had it written down here, now my note is gone... Anyway, it's actually a German word. Probably means "Photo Recon"...

When the mission opened, I thought "hey, I know this one!" It'd been a while since I'd played it, so I stayed there, hit Flank, etc. and away I go. I remember almost getting run over by some of the capital ships, so I went up to the bridge, and lo and behold, there's Dutch ships there that are all white, as in Arctic white. No texture whatsoever. I'm guessing something from v1.3?? who knows. Anyway, just about the time things start to boiling over, the game crashes. The last time I tried, there's a Japanese DD that's been hit by Allied fire, and is burning, but the smoke and fire are all sorts of pixelated. So I made a little 7-zip archive, put it in the WIP folder, if any of you graphics gurus want to look at it. I also included the "Original" one off of my computer, which seems to run just fine. But I will be checking through all the "Stock" installed Single Missions and Single Patrols to see if there's any issues there. Little thing I noticed the 2nd time I went to play the AOTD version is that the briefing is in German...

Also included in that zip, besides a text file, is the Nagato mission that AOTD Max apparently used when he was testing it and the Bismark. Interesting little ditty...

"...and bollocks to the naysayer/s" - Jimbuna
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