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Old 09-17-15, 04:00 AM   #1192
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There's nothing much planned for NYGM at the moment, although Anvart has provided a revised radar mod (compatible with my hard-code mod) which has worked well in testing.

The hydrophone effect at different depths was created by Rubini. You should be able to find it by searching for his name. It's not added to NYGM because it slows down game-play. Every time you want to submerge and check for a sound location, you have to go sufficiently deep. It's quicker to pretend that you did that with a dive to periscope depth and surface again. Just click on keys 'P' and 'S' in quick succession.

H.sie announced some time ago that he has given up modding. It's been so long now that I looked at the assembly code that it would take me some time to get up to speed again. In any case, though, I would not be interested in changing visual effects. I'm only interested in changing game play.

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