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Old 05-05-14, 07:28 AM   #139
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Originally Posted by kritZ View Post
First Post!

Anyway, I really love this game so far. The tension of hoping that you're deep enough to avoid depth charges, or the hilarity of ordering a crash dive and hitting the bottom 3 seconds later. I also like the management aspect too, something that few games have.

I have a few questions also.

Will ships that are depth charging me leave if I minimize the noise enough?

Will you be adding different levels to subs? It would be cool to have a WWII sub with a deck gun.

Also, how do you purge? This came out of a long episode in the middle of the pacific where the radiation level eventually reached over 900 rads. Adding on to this, will things like reactors build up damage? Like it starts at 7% and then builds up to 15% while releasing more radiation and potentially a meltdown?

Again, I really love this game and it will continue to have my attentions for a long while.
Glad you like it!

To answer your questions: it is possible to evade attacking ships, but can be difficult. Basically, the faster you are moving, the more noise you will make and the further away they will be able to detect you. But the attacking ships always remember where they last detected you, so if you're going too slowly you won't be able to escape before they return and depth charge you again. It's possible to evade them by carefully managing your speed and turning away from the attackers at the right time - diving below the thermal layer (marked in blue on your depth gauge) will also help.

Different levels might be added, eventually. It would allow for much bigger subs as well as conning towers, proper radar masts etc, but it's not a priority at the moment.

And as Tango said, you must surface and press P to purge (then press P again before you dive!)

Originally Posted by Tango589
I've spread the good word about this sim on SimHQ and people have shown interest!

BTW, someone did mention the use of Blitz3D and wondered if this was a way to go in the future?
Thanks Tango! Always great to see more people interested in the game, and I imagine there's a lot of people at SimHQ this game might appeal to.

I have a trial version of Blitz3D and I've thought about experimenting with a 3D version - the language is almost identical, so it shouldn't be too hard. Maybe I'll give it a try some time soon and see what I can come up with.

By the way everyone, in response to some feedback from the Facepunch forums I've updated the Submarine Development Tools a bit. The sub editor now has keyboard support, a fullscreen version, and the ability to remove doors (press delete to remove all doors). Please redownload the dev tools zip file ( to get the new version - might make things easier!
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