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Old 03-17-06, 11:22 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Werewolf13
I will try the engage thing for AI units and show solution for player controlled units.
unfortunaltly, this doesn't work for human players
you need a link
So you could use solution for an AI platform, transmitting this contact on the link ... for example
Maybe hard to make a working solution here ...

Originally Posted by Werewolf13
What I want to do is make it so that if a player controlled boat attacks a neutral that other player controlled or AI controlled units immediately know where it is and launch on it.
ok : if side 5 (neutral) attacked by side 2, then run script
script => platform2 engage platform 1; platform3 engage platform 1
do that for each AI

then, as they will know the target position (engage script give them the real position) they will send the link to you after some minutes.
But of course, you will need the link to see the ennemy position

Originally Posted by Werewolf13
That ought to force player controlled units to be real careful around neutrals.
another possibility is to create an "accident" if the engage neutrals => damage system propulsion + torpedo tubes for 30 mn for example, or even sonars ...
there is quite some possibilities in fact.

Originally Posted by Werewolf13
Why do it this way? Because in MP games no one looks at the score when the game is over they only care about who sunk who!
this depends mainly on mission objectives
It's the creator work to find real and interesting objectives.
This editor allow you this near as you wish.
But a good MP mission need really hours and hours of work
And are supposed to be often updated, as you improve in mission editing.

one example of objective : give a datum to a civilian (objective blue) and a kill civilian objective to the red.
This way red sub need to snake and avoid ennemies to win the game
there is lots of objective examples, but they are the real key to make a MP mission interesting for both sides.
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