It's been very hard for me to witnessing everyday frustrations of new SH5 captains and to read the same threads month after month, year after year, over and over again...I hope that something like this will make "life" at least a bit easier for newcomers or for anyone else who doesn't have much free time or to spend countless hours improving and searching for working modlist.
Although the mod it self is intended for average SH player you may find it somewhat "hardcore". Real navigation will make your job much harder and you'll find your submarine very vulnerable to enemy fire and annoyingly sluggish and slow underwater. Your "tonnage" will become much more appreciated with this expansion.
All credits go to contributing authors of every individual mod!
Mods and tweaks included in
The Wolves of Steel 2.2 - Subsim Community SH5 Expansion Pack:
*DO NOT add any additional mods if you are not 100% sure what you are doing or you may induce all kind of stability and gameplay related issues!
Keep in mind that most of the standalone mods outhere are incompatible with this expansion.
Please don't discuss in this thread any potential issues caused by your own custom modlists and unsupported mods.
Also, make sure to pay special attention to FAQ and Tips section and feel free to ask in this thread for any additional elucidation.
*Full game reinstallation is highly recommended when replacing old with new megamod version (for example v2.1.x to v2.2.x) !
TWoS v2.2.x should be gamesave compatible with v2.0.1 and newer although there's a possibility that some changes won't be visible until your next fresh career start or advancement to the next campaign chapter (this depends largely of your TWoS version at the moment of your career start)...
Download The Wolves of Steel_SH5 Expansion Pack_Full
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