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Old 03-20-11, 12:06 AM   #5
Serial Port Protector
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Originally Posted by Dignan View Post
Hi Stormy. Really liking this mod. Nice work. Two questions...

1. I'm not hearing anyone calling out when depth charges are in the water. Is there something extra I need to enable?

2. Can you hear sinking ships on sonar in this mod or in stock for that matter ? I know it was a problem in SH4 but not sure about SH5. Thanks

EDIT: After listening to the sounds in the folder I realized what you've done. I might have heard them but may not have noticed it was a wasserbomben file.
1. yes, if you read the readme you see that i use a special extended version of Rongel`s Wasserbomben mod, which have 50 shuffeling sounds. I expanded the normal wasserbomben callout sounds with other sounds which are fitting if hunted with DC`s, preventing hearing over and over the same sounds, which can get boring over time.

2. no, not via hydrophone (bug or missing feature). But if you are close enough you hear it from inside the sub in 3D if not using the hydrophone station (i expanded also volume and range in the SDL file). A working sound for the hydrophone, if i renember correct, is a sound which is playing if the ship hit the ocean floor, could be that this is also missing after patch 1.2...

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