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Old 04-05-10, 06:36 PM   #51
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Originally Posted by jimbuna View Post
The other side of the coin is for Ubisoft to consider....they are obviously aware of the strength of feeling and anguish within the subsimming community and as such IMHO it is down to them to show some measure of good faith with said client base.

Probably the best way would be to drop the need for DRM/OSP and release a few patches that fix/correct some of the fundamental problems with the game.

The community are confident they can rely on the modding fraternity to do their bit (as has always been the case) and Ubisoft are well aware of this too.

The question is.....Will Ubisoft play their part and meet us half way?
Well, it seems that Ubisoft is beginning to make good on this release. Patch 2 is on the way (supposedly April 12) and the list of fixes looks good. Naturally, it doesn't address all the issues but 2 patches in just over a month's time says that Ubisoft is concerned and aware of the flak surrounding this release.
There are some amazing mods already available and the list is growing daily. When I first brought it home and installed it I was staggered by its state, as were many others, but my own personal aversion to this game lessens with every new mod I enable, and there are some damn good ones out already. After the upcoming patch the support of the modding community will undoubtedly gain even more steam. Confidence seems to be growing in SH5 and I think that pretty soon even the some of the worst detractors will be retiring their copies of SH3/4. The future is exciting. Good hunting!
God damn them all. I was told, we'd cruise the seas for American gold. We'd fire no guns, shed no tears. Now I'm a broken man on a Halifax pier.
The last of Barrett's privateers.

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