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Old 01-02-10, 09:06 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by WEBSTER View Post
there is something with detection in the game so if things are spawned already within range then the AI wont "see" them since they arent "new" contacts and then the game ignores them as they would any known contact you are already aware of.

in other words the game acts as thou you have told it to ignore them, if its not auto detected by the AI then the AI wont engage to attack

move your ships farther back so they "come into range" and they will then detect each other and act as they should
Hmmm but why does the warship in my first test mission fire at me when I surface right in front of it? I am only like 1000m ahead of it (periscope depth as well), and when I surface, it evades and fires. Since I am that close, it wouldn't fire if the "being in range of sight"-problem was the case here. Or is it because I started in periscope depth?

I just modified my mission to the situation that my sub still starts in range of sight (about 7500m) with the japanese taskforce, but this time I started it off in a depth of 30m. I started the mission and drove towards the taskforce with full speed ahead. I recognized the destroyers breaking slightly out of formation, so they somewhat reacted to me this time (which is a big improvement already ^^). But still, none of the japanese ships opened fire when I surfaced?
So I guess I really have to start outside of range of sight and - most likely - dived? But how much distance does it approximately have to be? Since I want this mission to be multiplayer-cooperative and there's no way to speed up the game speed, it might take a long time to reach the taskforce. Do you know anything about a "minimum" distance?

also have a look at the "missions" forum and there are links to help you with mission building tips
I can't find a "missions"-forum here in the forum overview. Would you be so nice and give me a link to that section?

Thanks alot so far for your advice!! Hopefully I can get this mission to work soon.

EDIT: @peabody: Just read your post after I finished this answer. ^^ Thank you for your help as well. Actually, my mission indeed is dated before Japan and the US declared war! O.O My mission was like 6 months too early. Good Lord, if that's the problem I'm seriously gonna bite in my table...

EDIT #2: OH - MY - GOD!! peabody was absolutely right! My mission date was set six months before Pearl Harbor and the declaration of war. I changed the mission date to end of December 1941 and now the japanese taskforce engages me as it should.
Seriously Ubisoft, historical correctness is nice and all, but this is too much for Europeans like me! *lol* Thanks alot to you guys, now I can finish up the mission!

"Und der Kompass zeigt nach Norden, ich kehr zurück zu dir, meine Schneekönigin.
Denn der Kompass zeigt zum Nordpol hin, der Kristall steckt tief im Herzen, das nur schlägt für meine Schneekönigin."

Last edited by Asakura; 01-02-10 at 09:27 PM.
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