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Lucky07 08-24-11 08:26 AM

Operation Ursula campaing megamod,GWX3.0 Mod permision Request
Operation Ursula Campaing Megamod
The game is perfomerd to be run in the great GWX 3.0

First of all special Thanks for Elmotalmus and lobo from flotilla submarina that teach me and help me a lot to built all of these.:rock::rock::rock:

Hello to all im actuallizing my megamod spaniche civil war mod ( a campaing mod as prelude of 2 WW , ) with a very good nice stuff i see over here the get it complete and solve some incompatibilites i found in orther to mount it with some mods i built with it.

The already have the spanish nationalist army and republic spain army with the real names of the clases of the ships planes subs... etc... with their respectives flag, here i leave some captures i make and the principal link to the 24 flotilla post

A beta is uploaded over here( for test in museum and im campaing if its the only mod taht modify the campaing files )

Operation Ursula Campaing Megamod:
Fist of all the , mod is focus to be the most real as posible so the
MaGui F is mandatory ... ( shooting calculations)
The main idea is to start a campaing at 1936 in the Ursula operation ( secret operations of germans in spain to check submarine power in real operations , really , check historical files) and start a campaing as a german Uboot fighting with the Nationalist army VS Republic ones , ( indeed only few operations was made by the sea in the spanish civil war because the spanish army and the moment of the conflic was SOOOOO old), the Starting base at 1936 will be in santiago ( Galicia ) The most north western are of the spain , most commonly know as "cabo finisterre" and when campaing battles advance, go to the mediterranean sea using as main base "Palma de Mayorca" an important operational base for the nationalist in the mediterranean sea.
As i say many times , all data was checked with historical files to built it the most real we could
There are also Radio message for get real enviroment for beeing in a war ( but for now is only available in spanish) , and u as U-boot commandant should get in the apropiate importance. like warnings of allies ships of inminent air strike , or Capital ships Located by an allie air patrol.
The most interesting part is the meiterranean one ( personally)
Identifing marks , both have the general marks for country indetifications but nationalist have a special case , in ships, aircraft , subs... all have the ST Andrew Cross ( this one ) in the vertical stabilizator in planes , in the otwer in submarines and in ships on the sides and over the deck
They make those diferential marks to avoid be attaked by their own forces because they have similar marks and many confusion cases was registered.

The Mod stills having a problem , and is that i cant make a campaing that starts at 1936 ( this is the main problem of the mod so plz , if someone know how to modify this all help is welcome), so for now activating the mod u will see the nationalist ships ( most of the ships are imported from other countrys as u can see but the tonnage and names are modify as the real ones had) in their ports ( me as spanish was so hungry that the sh3 original dont place any ship for our country , and i start to make my mod to add it , as always , spain get forgotten .... but if u have any dude of our powerfull only check the history ... the most recent .. FOOTBALL WORLD CHAMPIONS !! hehehehehehehehe) and so i cant make pics for republic ships and stuff in campaing , only in test missions:
so i need to actualice it to make it compatible with really good work mods i see over here like for example the GWX 3 Wilhemshafen,St Naz,Schluese and xtra ships V6 that modify the campaing files and my ships go to **** ... xD so i will make a list over here for mods that i need to do it requesting permisions to their owners to add it for it and make a really one mod with packs of good mods to get 0 problems bettwen them and get some fun easy and quick with no MOd Crash HIT!!

The mod also implement new visual stuff like the water or water streams ( performed by Flotilla submarina ) the sun , the moon ( i reall y love that moon ) dolphins, wales and many things.....
The mod already have the next stuff all check with historical data , for example most of nationalist weapons and stuff come from italy and germany and republic from URSS)
The list contain mostly warmachines , merchant fleet remais at the same that had the original spain nation in sh3

Acorazado España
Crucero Canarias
Crucero Baleares
Crucero Almirante Cervera ( the best one in my opinion , visually i mean )
Destructor tipo Velasco
Destructor Tipo Ceuta
Destructor Tipo huesca
M35R- barco hospital mas pequeño
Lancha Rapida

Submarine:Clase Adua

Bf 109
Stuka Ju-87
Fw condor

Acorazado Jaime I
Crucero Miguel de Cervantes
Crucero Libertad
Destructor tipo Alsedo
Destructor tipo Churruca I
Destructor tipo Churruca II
M35R-barco hospital pequeño

Submarine:clase Shchuka


Mod Permision Required list :
Acording with the Recomemded modding etiquete of hitman
( really i dont want to get any problem , only get Fun )

GWX 3 Wilhemshafen,St Naz,Schluese and xtra ships V6( i really love this mod , the new wilhelsmhaven have real live but mixed with my mod in JSGME make nuclear explosion)--- permision obtained credits and thx to thfeu58 ( via Private message )

LifeBoats&Debris_v4--- permision obtained credits and thx toRubini

Waterstream+Exhaust Combi V2.3 for GWX3 ( the exaust mod nice too ) --- permision obtained credits and thx to Rubini

Carotio_SH3_Seafloormod - 256mbPermision request sended to Carotio

MaGui F ( the most realistic mod i found over here so i want to say , congratulations man , U ARE THE BOSS!)--permision obtained credits and thx to makman94

FM_NewInterior_V1.0--Permision obtained credits and thx to flakmonkey

Flakmonkey's Interior with crew---Permision obtained credits and thx to flakmonkey

TheDarkWraith_Ship_Plane_Fire_Damage_v1_4_SH3---Permision obtained credits and thx to TheDarkWraith ( via Private message)

RCB's SH4 effects GWX 3.0(and 2.1) V7.1
---Permision obtained credits and thx to TheDarkWraith ( via Private message)

TMT v2( necesary to get fixed the maguie mod ) ---permision obtained credits and thx to makman94

RIK007 SH-5 Water for SH-3 ULTIMATE V10 --- permision obtained credits and thx to rik007

GWX_DFa-Flag&Pens_2010----- permision obtained credits and thx to Anvart

BMW-R75 v.1 by TP( very nice motor cicle edition )--permision obtained credits and thx to Testpilot

Aces' Modified Headphones--permision obtained credits and thx to Aces

Aces' Mods in general ( they have really good implementations for visual aids)--Permision request sended

Torpedo damage Final version 2.0 (88.6 KB)---Permision request sended to Ocean Blue

Thomsen's Sound Pack V3.2cg( good combination of sound ) ---Permision Request sended

Aces' St.Nazaire Super Pens v5 and Super Turms v5 mods. ---Permision request sended


Ice Age

GWX - Atlantic and US East only ---(included in the GWX 3 Wilhemshafen,St Naz,Schluese and xtra ships V6)

GWX - Lite Atlantic,NorthSea and US East only

Pascal_Port_People( really nice and funnt guys )

Real Depth Charge

Scirè-Tikigod- repeated order ( i really love this mod, all orders sayed twice , as in real cases)



Karle's Enigma Codebook Tool (215.0 KB)

Haunting Atlantic Wind

Operation Ursula Campaing Megamod
Current Credits
Rubini for the LifeBoats&Debris_v4- and Waterstream+Exhaust Combi V2.3 for GWX3
flakmonkey for the Flakmoney´s Interior with crew and the FM_NewInterior_V1.0
TheDarkWraith for the TheDarkWraith_Ship_Plane_Fire_Damage_v1_4_SH3 and RCB's SH4 effects GWX 3.0(and 2.1) V7.1
makman94 for the MaGui F and TMT v2
rik007 for the SH-5 Water for SH-3 ULTIMATE V10
thfeu58for the GWX 3 Wilhemshafen,St Naz,Schluese and xtra ships V6
Anvart for the GWX_DFa-Flag&Pens_2010
Testpilot for the BMW-R75 v.1 by TP

and for now thats all , all people that want to help , suggesting more add ons or something ( modding also , i see that here u guys have a very nice modders so i say congratulations again )

Republican planes marks
Batleship Spain lateral view
Up view
General view

Canarias Crucer
Canarias front view
Republic flags , the simple one for merchants and the other for combat ships

And some pics of the port of santander ( north city in spain, and my own town .. hehehehe) in campaing year 1939
Bunker view with a spanish nationalist submarine
Spanish nationalist DD
And special THX again for Elmotalmus and lobo from flotilla submarina that teach me and help me a lot to built all of these.

u can check in the museum all the new stuff and also in the campain if u go to any spanish dock ( but be care if u have any mod on that modify the campaing files or u will experience something like that......

Actualization 27/08/2011
Work done:
GWX 3 Wilhemshafen,St Naz,Schluese and xtra ships V6----Full compatible
RIK007 SH-5 Water for SH-3 ULTIMATE V10
----Full compatible
MaGui F
----Full compatible
optional-ALTERNATIVE SCOPES with speedlines stopwatch for MaGui F----Full compatible
TMT v2----Full compatible
Waterstream+Exhaust Combi V2.3 for GWX3 experiencing crashes when trying to play with type VII C submarines , all 7 c files of the mod not used ( we will make a fix for it at the last for asure compatibility)----Full compatible( except the VIIC ).
BMW-R75 v.1 by TP----Full compatible
Sound imported from sh5 ( not all ) ----Full compatible Some sounds have been taken from sh5 here i leave a link to test it , i think now is so much better
TheDarkWraith_Ship_Plane_Fire_Damage_v1_4_SH3-----On work

Stachelrochen 08-24-11 12:45 PM

Here Stachelrochen from 24a flotilla. Good luck with the new mod. :up: I'm watching. :cool:

Wolfstriked 08-24-11 12:56 PM

Interesting mod and I cant wait to try it out.:yeah:

Lucky07 08-24-11 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Wolfstriked (Post 1735400)
Interesting mod and I cant wait to try it out.:yeah:

i can download the beta , but the spanish war cant be played yet , with this beta u can check the new stuff in the museum and in campaing ( if it is the only one mod that modify the campaing files ) to the spanish ports to check the new docks and the patrols

Flashdead 08-24-11 09:30 PM

Flashdead listening!!!:salute::salute::salute:

flakmonkey 08-25-11 12:43 PM

Of course you have my full permission to use any part of the new interiors mod you wish, good luck with the mod:salute:

Lucky07 08-25-11 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by flakmonkey (Post 1736253)
Of course you have my full permission to use any part of the new interiors mod you wish, good luck with the mod:salute:

thx u so much man !:rock::rock::rock:elmotalmus have a cooker to add to ur mod !! hehehe , we are looking if we could get it some animations

we still need the GWX 3 Wilhemshafen,St Naz,Schluese and xtra ships V6 to start to work ... any know who is the author of this mod ?

I edit :


Originally Posted by Lucky 07 (Post 1736253)
hi all , in this post ( that thfue58 is the author of this mod , i need to contact he to get permision to use it for make it full compatible with other mods

i try to send he a Private message but tell me that this name dont exist
any know any other way to contact he ?

i say this at this post

Lucky07 08-27-11 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by thfeu58

yes you can me modified the Wilhelmshaven use in your mod.
And I wish you continued good luck.


Originally Posted by Anvart
I give permission to use my mod GWX_DFa-Flag&Pens_2010 in your mod with appropriate credit to the author.


Originally Posted by Testpilot
Hi Lucky07,

i give you my permission to use my BMW-R75 motorcycle for yor mod. TP is my name.:woot: Good luck with your mod.:yeah:

best regards TP=Testpilot

GWX 3 Wilhemshafen,St Naz,Schluese and xtra ships V6( i really love this mod , the new wilhelsmhaven have real live but mixed with my mod in JSGME make nuclear explosion)--- permision obtained credits and thx to thfeu58 ( via Private message )

we can start to work ! :salute::salute:
GWX 3 Wilhemshafen,St Naz,Schluese and xtra ships V6----Full compatible
RIK007 SH-5 Water for SH-3 ULTIMATE V10
----Full compatible
MaGui F
----Full compatible
optional-ALTERNATIVE SCOPES with speedlines stopwatch for MaGui F----Full compatible
TMT v2----Full compatible
Waterstream+Exhaust Combi V2.3 for GWX3 experiencing crashes when trying to play with type VII C submarines , all 7 c files of the mod not used ( we will make a fix for it at the last for asure compatibility)----Full compatible( except the VIIC ).
BMW-R75 v.1 by TP
----Full compatible
Sound imported from sh5 ( not all ) ----Full compatible Some sounds have been taken from sh5 here i leave a link to test it , i think now is so much better
TheDarkWraith_Ship_Plane_Fire_Damage_v1_4_SH3-----On work

The new menu music ! so nice

Wreford-Brown 08-28-11 01:43 PM

This sounds like an awesome mod and I can't wait to see it, but I'm sure that GWX 3 Wilhemshafen,St Naz,Schluese and xtra ships was made by bigboywooly:

Sailor Steve 08-28-11 01:54 PM

It was made by thfue58 for either LSH3 or WAC. BBW imported it into GWX.

Lucky07 08-28-11 03:28 PM

one quick question
i have builded in the JSGME this configuration
GWX_DFa-Flag&Pens_2010="FM30_UpDown_final""FM_NewInterior_ V1.0""Conning Tower open Hatch TestFMfood""Aces' Multimod compatability fix release v1.3 public beta"
FM30_UpDown_final="FM_NewInterior_V1.0""Conning Tower open Hatch TestFMfood""Aces' Multimod compatability fix release v1.3 public beta"
FM_NewInterior_V1.0="Conning Tower open Hatch TestFMfood""Aces' Multimod compatability fix release v1.3 public beta""Flakmonkey's Interior with crew"
Conning Tower open Hatch TestFMfood="Aces' Multimod compatability fix release v1.3 public beta""Flakmonkey's Interior with crew"
Aces' Multimod compatability fix release v1.3 public beta="Flakmonkey's Interior with crew"
Conning Tower open Hatch TestFMfood=4
Aces' Multimod compatability fix release v1.3 public beta=5
Flakmonkey's Interior with crew=6

the academy run perfect but when i test it entering in the campaing , crashes ... ( builded in GWX 3.0 with no aditional modifications )

Wreford-Brown 08-28-11 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 1738251)
It was made by thfue58 for either LSH3 or WAC. BBW imported it into GWX.

Thanks for putting me right Steve. I'm moving house (and country) at the moment so didn't check bbw's credits.

Netbook + dialup = a real PITA!


Originally Posted by Lucky07 (Post 1738351)
the academy run perfect but when i test it entering in the campaing , crashes ... ( builded in GWX 3.0 with no aditional modifications )

What year of the campaign are you in and how far along the loading bar does it get before CTD?

Lucky07 08-28-11 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Wreford-Brown (Post 1738417)
Thanks for putting me right Steve. I'm moving house (and country) at the moment so didn't check bbw's credits.

Netbook + dialup = a real PITA!

What year of the campaign are you in and how far along the loading bar does it get before CTD?

1939 and the last part of the loading bar ( strarting a new campaing )

Wreford-Brown 08-28-11 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Lucky07 (Post 1738446)
1939 and the last part of the loading bar ( strarting a new campaing )

Last part of the loading bar is usually a ship or scripting issue, generally in the _SCR file.
Academy has bespoke _SCR and _RND layers but stock _LND layer.
Single Mission has bespoke _SCR file but stock _RND and _LND.
Campaign has stock _SCR, _RND and _LND layers.

Try a single mission. If it still CTD's then there's a good chance it's an _RND layer issue (although I'd expect CTD around the 50% mark). If it loads then it could be an _SCR problem.

Also bear in mind that each computer will only take a certain amount of pressure from SH3 before CTD - SH3 is fairly unstable. You've got a few system intensive mods in your set up so a large campaign file may be the straw that breaks the CPUs back.

Lucky07 08-29-11 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Wreford-Brown (Post 1738459)
Last part of the loading bar is usually a ship or scripting issue, generally in the _SCR file.
Academy has bespoke _SCR and _RND layers but stock _LND layer.
Single Mission has bespoke _SCR file but stock _RND and _LND.
Campaign has stock _SCR, _RND and _LND layers.

Try a single mission. If it still CTD's then there's a good chance it's an _RND layer issue (although I'd expect CTD around the 50% mark). If it loads then it could be an _SCR problem.

Also bear in mind that each computer will only take a certain amount of pressure from SH3 before CTD - SH3 is fairly unstable. You've got a few system intensive mods in your set up so a large campaign file may be the straw that breaks the CPUs back.

maybe .... but i only build the new interior , + crew etc... any one touch the campaing files ...
Conning Tower open Hatch TestFMfood=4
Aces' Multimod compatability fix release v1.3 public beta=5
Flakmonkey's Interior with crew=6

maybe is the time for a backup ... :salute::salute:

Edit : these days i cant work in this mod long times , i have some stuff .
In 2 weeks i will be full operative

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