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Onkel Neal 01-18-15 04:23 PM

*** Nominations for Best of SUBSIM 2015 ***
Welcome to the nomination thread for the Best of Subsim 2015. I thank you for your time and assistance in recognizing the outstanding members of our community.

You can help us decide upon who should receive awards for being our best in the following categories:

Best Poster of the Year - So, have you noticed someone who posts regularly in the forums, he or she is friendly, helpful, interesting, and you enjoy reading what they have to say? Nominate her/him here.

Midshipman of the Year - Which new member (joined in 2015) has been the friendliest/helpful/interesting. Keep your eyes peeled for new guys who join Subsim, share laughs and are good and easy to get along with. Being a new guy ain't easy. Nominees to this category must have a join date of Dec 2014 and later.

Thread of the Year - There are 50~100 new threads every day at Subsim. Some are fluff, some are newsy, some are great points of interest that everyone seems to enjoy. Some threads spawn not only great posts, but memorable discussions that last for weeks and months. Of all the threads started in 2015--let's find that thread we call Thread of the Year. Cannot be a previous winner.

Post of the Year - There are 750 new posts every day at Subsim. That's over 275,000 this year. Of those, one will be Post of the Year 2015. Which one, that's up to you to decide. Cannot be a previous winner.

Funniest Post of the Year - Wit and humor is never in shortage here at SUBSIM. Who's the wittiest and funniest? No, seriously, who?

Mod/Modder of the Year - Let's give it up for the clever fellows who pioneer improvements and fixes to our sub games. For this category, you want to nominate someone who has created a really helpful and popular mod. Also consider how he interacts with the community--is he polite, supportive, and helpful? Does he respond to queries?

Most Helpful Member of the Year - To consider someone for this award, you should feel he is not only friendly and interesting, as is the criteria for the Poster of the Year award, but helpful in evident ways. Such as, this nominee posts links to help solve questions other members have, he supplies answers to questions, and he is civil and doesn't batter people who disagree with him.

Avatar/Signature of the Year - Very simple: if you see a signature or avatar you feel is really interesting, clever, funny, etc., post it here. Sigs should be within the rules pertaining to size.

:new: Subsim Facebook Poster of the Year - Many Subsim members make great posts of screenshots, game reports, memes, and other naval content. Who is the overall standout of the year?

:new: Subsim Facebook Post of the Year - Of all the posts and memes, which one would you say is the most memorable?

Please check the proper format guidelines in the next post.

There may be additional categories that open for nominations in Dec 2015.

Thanks again for your help!


Onkel Neal 01-18-15 04:26 PM

Nominees have to be active members at the time of nomination.
You cannot nominate yourself (duh).
Threads and posts nominated should have begun in 2015.

When you post a nomination, you must include:
  • The category you are nominating for (Post of the Year, Modder of the Year, etc.)
  • The name of the nominee (correctly spelled).
  • The contents of his post or thread in QUOTES. Don't simply say, "He said this" and a link, include at least part of his post.
  • A link to the post or thread. For sigs, post the image.
  • Include your reason for the nomination, why you think it deserves an award.

Voting for BOS categories Dec 24, 2015

Throughout this year, if you come across a post or thread that you think is really noteworthy, post a link, the quote, and your argument. This way we can summarize the whole year easily come this December.


Also, please keep this particular forum on-topic at all times, so it's easier to sort through down the road.

Good hunting!

Onkel Neal 01-18-15 04:27 PM


Here is an example of the proper format for making a nomination. Let's say I want to nominate this thread for thread of the year, I would post it this way:

Thread of the year
OP: August
Thread: The Model Railroading thread


I've been getting back into model railroading in the past few months and i'm finding it very relaxing after a hard days work. It started with a 20 buck box of ho scale engines and freight cars and has grown into the makings of a fairly decent layout. I still have lots of work to do on it, the most important right now to get it insulated and finished before it gets too cold and drives me back to the warmth of a painting and detailing bench set up near the basement wood stove like last year.
Reason: I think a lot of people here share an interest in Model Railroading. The topic is popular and has received 2700+ replies.

Onkel Neal 01-18-15 04:32 PM

And now, I will make this year's first nomination :shucks:

Signature of the year
Member: Otto Harkaman

Reason: nice use of good old Aces of the Deep in his sig :up:

Aktungbby 03-18-15 09:19 PM

Nomination for 'Thread of the Year'
100 years ago today

Originally Posted by mapuc
I love that thread it's so fantastic to read what happen day for day for 100 years ago in WWI.
:agree: Persistence; factual stringency; great pictures and a whole lotta work to post it every day! One way or another :subsim: is about history-first and foremost- even if Kaleun-gamers are just reliving some tiny part of it in their mancaves...WWI shaped the space and time we are stuck in even to the present day: discussions in other threads: WWII, Viet Nam, Syria, Ukraine, the Balkans, Palestine and Iraq/Iran, all start here in 1914.

mapuc 03-19-15 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Aktungbby (Post 2298542)
100 years ago today :agree: Persistence; factual stringency; great pictures and a whole lotta work to post it every day! One way or another :subsim: is about history-first and foremost- even if Kaleun-gamers are just reliving some tiny part of it in their mancaves...WWI shaped the space and time we are stuck in even to the present day: discussions in other threads: WWII, Viet Nam, Syria, Ukraine, the Balkans, Palestine and Iraq/Iran, all start here in 1914.



Jeff-Groves 05-11-15 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Neal Stevens (Post 2312789)

Not to be derisive but WT??
Is that like abomination but not quite as bad?
Can Subsim copyright the term and claim it was invented here?

mapuc 05-30-15 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by danasan (Post 2317456)
Funniest post of the year, but in the best of the best manner of British humour, spot on:

And there might be some truth in it as well...

It makes me somehow proud. To have produced threads for making these "funniest post of the year"


Eichhörnchen 06-21-15 02:56 AM

Signature of the Year
A second nomination: Aktungbby's specially commissioned "U-666" artwork... a very personal sig which raises standards.

danasan 06-21-15 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 2320761)
Most Helpful Member: Plissken_04

For years now he has maintained his own hosting site at his own expense, and refuses offers of contributions to help out. He almost never comments on anything, yet he reads the forums every day, and every time someone asks about a mod he is on the spot posting a link to the mod.

If that isn't helpful I don't know what is.

+ 1 :yep:

And may I add that, IMHO, his positive attitude is always the finest.
When he is giving help, it seems to me that it is only about giving help and to find a solution. No more, no less.

That is what knights should be made made off...

Eichhörnchen 09-02-15 08:39 AM

Can't we have a "Deviant Of The Year" award?

Jimbuna 09-02-15 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by Eichhörnchen (Post 2341371)
Can't we have a "Deviant Of The Year" award?

That's were the 'Moderator Of The Year' comes from.

Aktungbby 09-16-15 02:34 PM


Aktungbby 09-29-15 12:37 PM

AHEM: Your 'seconding' Fitzcarraldo's nomination of Frank Taylor (three posts back #27)

Gunsilnger 09-29-15 01:19 PM

Indeed, my apologies, I should have said adding my vote for Frank

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