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Aktungbby 01-08-21 09:29 PM

Welcome back!
Rrannett of Surrey!:Kaleun_Salute: nice silent run!:up:

Kal_Maximus_U669 01-09-21 11:36 AM

Hello everyone, I was fed up with not playing them ... it couldn't be otherwise I installed them on an old WWII laptop the intel 7450 4gb config of 1gb ram dedicated video nvidia (210) M I'm coming to go on Epro patrol now carry up to Am18 I must say that the navigation is the weather effects are rather nice ... it seems that even the ships have a better "Effect water" for my part no side with several times recharge sav without problem tonight jy go back i play under 'seven ult 64'
but I still have this problem of cam in the turm or look for repairs in the data menu I think ...:ping:
Windows 10 is it a requirement?
the loading times are quite correct given the MdR on which I play; but as regards the graphic effects it is difficult to have a real opinion given the size of the very old 15 "packardbell pc !!! but that said it is pretty good cam movement .. the game stabiliter generale even in ports Great ...

Urmel 01-11-21 09:22 AM

Hello submarine friends

Thank you very much for your interest in Supermod "LSH3 Edition 2020". The German and Swiss LSH3 team is overwhelmed by your interest.

Here is the "LSH3-2020 Changelog" (by BLUEDUCK, 2020.01.11)


LSH3-2020 Changelog

Outgame - Installation
Completely redesigned installer for a user-friendly installation of LSH3-2020
LSH3-2020 MODARCHIVE MANAGER developed to copy archived mods to the MODS folder and start JSGME
Installation manual redesigned with detailed instructions for setting up the graphics cards (NVIDIA/AMD)

TychoSh3Patch_v3 the WS-MAP-MOD by Tycho
Hands look better by Anvart
Dazzle-Fix for the interior of the Type VII and 18 ships - double bug fixed
Australia-Fix implemented (Perth, Freemantle at correct position, starting point of RandomConvoys relocated)
More wounded less dead by h.sie integrated into the _LSH3-2020___Patch_HSIE-V16B1

Reconstruction of the OLC-GUI here moving the TDC and many small changes to the GUIs
Changes to messages_xx.txt, basic.cfg, conning_barracks_xx.cfg because of snorkel and exchange of two towers
Lighthouse Holtenau rotated and repositioned, swing bridge Rendsburg moved to historically correct position
Sonar fix for type VIIC/42 and type IXD2 installed (message sonar destroyed after loading in the comamnd room)
Missing LOG-files for 4 submarines in the museum created, all AI-boats in the museum highlighted with red font
Roster for small nations extended to have a larger selection of ships for historically correct single and multiplayer missions

Complete overhaul of single and multiplayer missions especially in English completely retranslated


We will continue to work for SH3!


Kal_Maximus_U669 01-11-21 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Urmel (Post 2720382)
Hello submarine friends

Thank you very much for your interest in Supermod "LSH3 Edition 2020". The German and Swiss LSH3 team is overwhelmed by your interest.

Here is the "LSH3-2020 Changelog" (by BLUEDUCK, 2020.01.11)


LSH3-2020 Changelog

Outgame - Installation
Completely redesigned installer for a user-friendly installation of LSH3-2020
LSH3-2020 MODARCHIVE MANAGER developed to copy archived mods to the MODS folder and start JSGME
Installation manual redesigned with detailed instructions for setting up the graphics cards (NVIDIA/AMD)

TychoSh3Patch_v3 the WS-MAP-MOD by Tycho
Hands look better by Anvart
Dazzle-Fix for the interior of the Type VII and 18 ships - double bug fixed
Australia-Fix implemented (Perth, Freemantle at correct position, starting point of RandomConvoys relocated)
More wounded less dead by h.sie integrated into the _LSH3-2020___Patch_HSIE-V16B1

Reconstruction of the OLC-GUI here moving the TDC and many small changes to the GUIs
Changes to messages_xx.txt, basic.cfg, conning_barracks_xx.cfg because of snorkel and exchange of two towers
Lighthouse Holtenau rotated and repositioned, swing bridge Rendsburg moved to historically correct position
Sonar fix for type VIIC/42 and type IXD2 installed (message sonar destroyed after loading in the comamnd room)
Missing LOG-files for 4 submarines in the museum created, all AI-boats in the museum highlighted with red font
Roster for small nations extended to have a larger selection of ships for historically correct single and multiplayer missions

Complete overhaul of single and multiplayer missions especially in English completely retranslated


We will continue to work for SH3!


Thank you for these details, I would have 2 questions for you

-Window 10 is it compulsory? .. '(I don't think so!) ...'
-how to repair the camera of the attack periscope 'no camera sitting position on the chair ..
I looked at your old olc ws but a lot of things are different ... now Ds data/menu/Gui

Thanks for your understanding and patience here :Kaleun_Salute:

Robotjukebox 01-11-21 02:38 PM

Can you use 1920x1080 guis with this mod? I've tried ARB WideGui 1920x1080 and i find that using the tools on the map screen are not lined up with the tool its self.

Kal_Maximus_U669 01-11-21 06:50 PM

probem cam scop attack
The problem seems to be solved by tinkering with the files .. I must say that the loading times are fast for me 5 / 6mn more in the port 30:35 constant fps really incredible ... given the config :D:har:

turm scope attack :up:

Urmel 01-16-21 08:01 AM

Hello SH3 friends

We know that there is currently no HD GUI (1920x1080px) compatible with LSH3 Edition 2020.

This is because LSH3 Edition has dozens of new features and displays since 2015/20 that are not possible with SH3 stock and/or plus GWX/WAC/CCOM.
These new LSH3 functions were never taken into account by GUI Ahnenerbe/ARB and thus never implemented and never worked out to be compatible for LSH3.
I can well understand ARP's problem. Not all GUI is the same. I have worked thousands of hours on it myself.

The important issue today is that we all need a new patched SH3.EXE.
Which could save us all from the unspeakable SH3 problem GUI<>Resolution!

read more here...

Stay health! A

Translated with (free version)

Salvador2011 01-16-21 11:48 AM

A question about the officers' order boxes
First of all I want to apologize for my English. I'll use the google traslator.
Thanks for this great mod. Is very good. The work done is the best in submarine simulators.
I have a general question to see who can help me.
Someone would know how to enlarge the officers' order boxes.
I've been checking the "Commands_en" file in the "cfg" folder, but can't figure out which line to change to make these boxes bigger.
Thanks for everything. All my support in this mod.
A greeting from Spain.

John Pancoast 01-16-21 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by Salvador2011 (Post 2721865)
First of all I want to apologize for my English. I'll use the google traslator.
Thanks for this great mod. Is very good. The work done is the best in submarine simulators.
I have a general question to see who can help me.
Someone would know how to enlarge the officers' order boxes.
I've been checking the "Commands_en" file in the "cfg" folder, but can't figure out which line to change to make these boxes bigger.
Thanks for everything. All my support in this mod.
A greeting from Spain.

If you mean to physically enlarge them on the screen that would be done in the menu_1024_768.ini file found in the path <game install>data/menu and enlarging them via a graphics editor.
But if you don't know what you're doing with that file you can cause the game to not load.

vesper 01-16-21 12:01 PM

Truly Unbelievable!
I've played GWX for years, and loved every minute of it. It's great!
But this...This is truly incredible!
The beautiful effects and scenery, oh man!
And stable as all get-out on my machine. Not a hiccup, and I've even been saving "in mission".
The game-play is smooth as silk. wouldn't have guessed it with these graphics.
It's like a new game to me! I find myself not using time-compression near as much because I don't want to miss any of the new sights.
Most impressed with the stability. Oh yeah, and enabling the external camera view is NOT cheating!
Thanks a bazillion for creating this mod:Kaleun_Applaud:

Salvador2011 01-16-21 12:04 PM

Okay. Thank you.
If someone could tell me what lines they are and what numerical data must be changed, it would be very helpful. If it is too complicated, I will leave it as it is now. Thank you.

John Pancoast 01-16-21 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Salvador2011 (Post 2721873)
Okay. Thank you.
If someone could tell me what lines they are and what numerical data must be changed, it would be very helpful. If it is too complicated, I will leave it as it is now. Thank you.

The menu.ini file will only affect the location on the screen(s) where an item is.
If you want the boxes physically larger you'll have to enlarge them via a graphics editor.
Of course, you may then also have to change the size of any other item(s) around the boxes as the new boxes size may then affect them too.
May be more trouble than its worth.

Aktungbby 01-17-21 03:03 PM

Welcome aboard! & welcome back
Robotjukebox! Missed U the 1st tme!:Kaleun_Salute:& Bienvenidos Capitano Salvador2011! :Kaleun_Salute: & welcome back vesper! :Kaleun_Salute:...the infamous :subsim: seven-year-itch hath struck again; nice silent run!:yeah:

Urmel 01-18-21 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by vesper (Post 2721872)
I've played GWX for years, and loved every minute of it. It's great!
But this...This is truly incredible!
The beautiful effects and scenery, oh man!
And stable as all get-out on my machine. Not a hiccup, and I've even been saving "in mission".
The game-play is smooth as silk. wouldn't have guessed it with these graphics.
It's like a new game to me! I find myself not using time-compression near as much because I don't want to miss any of the new sights.
Most impressed with the stability. Oh yeah, and enabling the external camera view is NOT cheating!
Thanks a bazillion for creating this mod:Kaleun_Applaud:

Thank you vesper

SH3 enthusiastic people like you are the reason why we are still working!


Anvar1061 01-18-21 02:40 PM

Check folder contents

In addition to Sea and Land, you will find other countries.

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