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ICR3D 09-29-07 04:54 PM

Purchased this game after reading the discussions in this forum. It is a quality product and nothing budget about it.

I have used CB's voice files and random campaign files without problems BUT make sure you delete the 'readme.txt' that came with the files. It crashed SOF when I failed to do so.

BTW, MoBo (the maneuvering board software) works fine with this game.

CB.. 09-29-07 05:31 PM

Cheers...yup nowt wrong with the game ..i'd play it just to see the ship models in action...even if that was all there was to it...the fact it is moddable makes it fun to experiment with as well....sorry to hear about the readme.txt problem.....glad you got it sorted:up:

just had a look at the mobo forum...hadn't been in there before....fascinating stuff ..certainly adds a new level of interest to any subsim..can't be bad

Deamon 09-29-07 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by CB..
and i'm sick of talking about can shoot ME down in flames
but that's just (and from a moderator too...)ly

Being a mod doesn't strips me off from the right to defend myself. It's granted for anybody to reply to accusations and allegations(including mods). And i think when a mod actually explains his position instead of simple editing someones posts he don't like or ban this person, is a hell of alot better don't you think so ? ( not that i have any mod power here )

I actually HAVE balls to admit what i think. Although i try to avoid it when i see someone can't take it. But sometimes you have no choice but pull the gun.


but yes.. indeed.. your right i was a fool for thinking this was the correct place to openly discuss modding
I never said that. Hey no reason to feel hurt now. It's just a game, remember ? :)


...especailly this particular SubSim...wrong place wrong time..your quite isn't
Nahh, what actually happened was simple that two guys crossed each others way that should have better stay away from each other. **** happens. I mean how could we know this in advance ?

Some people just can't communicate with each other. I don't blame YOU for that because communication must come from both sides and the time was maybe just not ripe for us.

But luckily there is enough room for everybody to go his own way.

It's unavoidable in live that things like that happen from time to time. Important is just that we do not go overboard with it. And i think we ended this conflict without making the mods locking this thread. This kinda qualifies us as adults. Cheers mate:()1:

As you said correctly, it is just about a game, just about having some fun. How people can fight each other because of a game! Unimaginable how people would fight each other for real matters!


i could have come in here and slagged this game off till the cows came home and i would never have got an argument from any-one..
I want to encourage you to go ahead and mod it!

It actually makes my heart happy to see people enjoying a WWI subsim and enjoying it so much that they try to mod it :yep:

This makes me very VERY happy! I just regret that the thread didn't turned out with us as what we both might have wished it to.


so you'll have to excuse me for not taking any of this BS seriously
No problem mate. If this is your honest oppinion then i accept that. I take your right for granted to disagree with me. You see ? I am a very tolerant mod :)

Have a good time with SOF!


CB.. 09-30-07 03:49 AM

sorry bud but i'm not going to negotiate with terrorists..even small time one's like your you go right ahead and pull that trigger..

j_o_nn_y 09-30-07 01:56 PM

Its the original game. Crashes when loading. Cant even play it. Spent $19.99 on the downloaded version and so im not too happy. :cry:

CB.. 09-30-07 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by j_o_nn_y
Its the original game. Crashes when loading. Cant even play it. Spent $19.99 on the downloaded version and so im not too happy. :cry:

i don't blame you..that's bad news..i can't think of anything of the top of my head as to why....have you tried running the game in windows compatibility mode

right click on the desktop shortcut select properties...then compatibility and try selecting "run this program in compatibility mode for--windows 2000"

that's how i have mine set up...tho having just checked i can't remember why i set it like that...if yours is allready set like that, try adifferent settings

computer games:damn: they're allways a pain in the never get this stuff with monopoly or other traditional board games!!! you don't open the box and find the board won't display correctly on your kitchen table lol

Hitman 09-30-07 02:58 PM


It would be nice to mod the game with your mods CB, but it never loads for me. Just crashes with an error report when the loading bar goes across the screen. Is there any chance someone could fix this or know how to get round it. Im asking this in this post as Strategy First technical support are useless. Keep wanting me to send DXdiag etc when I have downloaded all updated drivers for graphics cards etc..
Can you post a copy of that error log? :hmm:

I would bet on a missing/corrupt file that causes the crash due to the game's engine inability to find it :yep: which seems a possible situation in a download version :88)

Let us track the error...if it is only a missing file we might be able to supply it to you :ping:

ICR3D 09-30-07 06:32 PM

Game Crashes
At first I thougt the 'readme.txt' files in CB's minimods were responsible, but that was coincidental. I experienced random crashes afterwards until I ran SOF under Win2000 compatibilty mode. Program is more stable now.

dcb 09-30-07 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by j_o_nn_y
Its the original game. Crashes when loading. Cant even play it. Spent $19.99 on the downloaded version and so im not too happy. :cry:

Do you have an ATI card? If yes, that's the reason. The game is incompatible with certain ATI cards. Details here, post #3:

ALTEN 10-01-07 09:26 AM

Hi all
I would avise anyone buying SOF to buy the boxed version from Strategy Frist, it runs fine for me. I'm using an ATI Radeon X800 GTO 256MB graphics card.
The german and download versions seem to be a bit troublesome.
This is a great little sim with lots of potential, at the moment it's missing three things,a savegame feature. a relitve bearing indicator for the periscope accurate to 1 degree and some sort of crosshairs for the periscope.
Here's a quick fix, all you need is a 12 inch clear plastic ruler and some Blu-Tack.
Align one edge of the ruler with centre of the periscope view and attach each end to the top and bottom edge or your monitor with the Blu-Tack.
It's a bit Heath Robinson, but better than nothing.
Hey CB keep up the good work :up: I noticed Moby Dick in the textures folder, wonder when he pops up?

CB.. 10-01-07 11:48 AM

Cheers Alten:up:
good advice..yes i am going to get round to bying the english version of the game sooner or later..(mines the german boxed version)..i still haven't managed to get the realism options to "stick" even when setting them up directly in the gives me different realism settings ever time i play the game for some mildly amusing reason best known to itself!! sounds like they have just done a tiny bit of minor patching on the game for the english version...perhaps?
i certainly don't mind buying the game's money well spent..:yep:

yes moby dick!!! i saw him aswell! haven't found any other reference to him or a model file as yet but there may be something knocking about some where that was designed to have him show up in game from time to time..there's model file of a guy with a beard in a rowing boat in the game aswell...
lol some fun could be had with him i'm sure!..there's even a rather splendid model file of a castle with a small harbour in the game which is waiting to be used

say i think HM (Hitman) said he had made a scope mod with cross hairs on for himself....maybe he might be willing to make it into a mod? i'd be interested aswell
i'm using his excellent manual targeting system to great effect and thoroughly enjoying it too..
i'm still experimenting with the morselamp code work as soon as i've found the most interesting and usefull way to use it in the campaign i'll add it to what i've allready done..eventually of course i will re write the entire campaign from all i'm doing right now is messing about trying out different things with the code..even now with the small progress i have made there are some really exciting things that can be done that i haven't worked on as yet...even if some of those are pure eye candy and not much
i could place a zeppelin over the english coast and have ground based searchlights scanning the skies for it...using the lighthouse "beams" which are usable as seperate entitys and fully controllable as to direction angle movement's virtually endless!! i need lots of practice to get the code right...other wise it just looks silly....great fun tho picking these things up as you go along..i can't see an end to the possibilities...even with binoculars lol...even using nothing but the small tidbits of code i've learn't so far..hats off to the games devs..they certainly created a wonderfull sand pitt to experiment in...i think it's possible to do "specail missions" also..ala SH4...such as rescueing the crew of a damaged uboat...this by using the morselamp feature to communicate the crews situation to the player...and the dynamic radio message function to guide the player to the crippled uboat in the first then sink it deliberately to prevent it falling into enemy hands and that's objective's still a little out side my scope at the it would be fairly "clumsy" at first but with practice these thing should get easier to write :sunny:
i can then have this as a randomised campaign event (as a hidden non compulsory mission objective) so it can be just another part of normal gameplay rather than being a tightly scripted event..if by accident you happen to get within a certain range of the crippled uboat the "event" is triggered and you get the chance to find and "rescue" the crew..if not then you never knew it was there to be done.. making it fairly "dynamic" and a surprise..not central to the gameplay but these things can make for fun gameplay.. .bit of imagination and lots of other similar stuff can be done along the same lines...downed zeppellin in the north sea..spy pick up along the coast..dynamic little events that kinda brings a game to life..

ALTEN 10-01-07 02:08 PM

Sounds good CB. here's what you need to do to save your realism settings.
After changing your settings click on "Save all settings" on the SETTINGS screen
and then "Yes" on the SAVE SETTINGS screen.

CB.. 10-01-07 02:46 PM

Cheers Again Alten ..i'll certainly double check that:up:

Hitman 10-01-07 02:50 PM


say i think HM (Hitman) said he had made a scope mod with cross hairs on for himself....maybe he might be willing to make it into a mod? i'd be interested aswell
Yes I did it this summer but then lost the graphic :damn: Nothing special, just adding a reticle that is already in the game (Though not implemented) to the Alpha channel of the scope view. I would gladly post the file but as I said, I lost it :88) and before doing it again I was willing to test the exact scope angle of sight, but for that I would need a custom mission and I don't know how to build it. What I need is a ship of 150 metres length (Or any other large length that is known) perpendicular to the submarine's bow at exactly 1000 metres. Having that, I can see how many pixels it covers in the scope and as such, the number of degrees the scope view covers horizontally. Adjusting a reticle later with a mark per degree or half-degree is easy :up:

CB.. 10-01-07 02:56 PM


What I need is a ship of 150 metres length (Or any other large length that is known) perpendicular to the submarine's bow at exactly 1000 metres
give me an hour and i'll see if i can't knock one up...hopefully the model viewer /musuem section of the game gives the ship dimensions (accurately anyway)

CB.. 10-01-07 03:34 PM

i have no data on the exact ship length but here is the iron duke
exactly 1000 metres dead ahead...side on to your sub

the mission script replaces the uschule1 training mission

your good at math...would it help if i placed a second iron duke at 500 metres?
let me know if there is any specific ship that would be more helpfull

lol this game is a bit wierd with it's positioning scripts

took me a while to set the sub facing due east....heres the code for due east see if you can make any sense of it cos i can't lol

SimSetDirection [mysim],1.565,0,0

in what universe does 1.565 equate to due East??:hmm: (other than the SOF one of course) lol

here's the code for adding a static ship at 1000 metres distance

CreateServerSimulationObject [ship1],"Iron_Duke"
SimSetPosition [ship1],1000,0,0

you just need to add the name of the ship at the top of the script

id ship1

under the

id mysim

which is the name of the player sub
hope that helps HM...:up:

if you want to change the ship to a different one and fancy having a bash your self...then use the names wrritten into the simulationIDs.txt file
and replace the

CreateServerSimulationObject [ship1],"Iron_Duke"


CreateServerSimulationObject [ship1],"scharnhorst"

or any other ship type listed in the file
(mission script name is on the left)

if you want the ship at 500 metres then change it to this

CreateServerSimulationObject [ship1],"Iron_Duke"
SimSetPosition [ship1],500,0,0

if you want a second ship then add a new name to the top of the missions script like this

id ship2

and add the new ship like this

CreateServerSimulationObject [ship2],"Iron_Duke"
SimSetPosition [ship2],1000,0,0

the 1000 metres is relative to the player sub in this case...

ALTEN 10-02-07 06:24 AM

HMS Iron Duke
I had look at the game trailer on the SOF website there seems to be a separate
periscope station with reticle and a reticle on the binocular view, strange that these were not implemented in the game.

CB.. 10-02-07 04:29 PM

Cheers Alten..have to wait on HM now..

Hitman 10-03-07 07:11 AM

Got the mission :up:

Provided the Duke is really 180 metres long in the game I might come up with some exact measuring and a good reticle.

Stay tuned, will come back later tonight :yep:


CB.. 10-03-07 07:50 AM

Cheers HM:yep:

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