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Ducimus 03-08-08 10:51 PM

Uboat game?

Fix here:

TM's focus is on the pacific game. There is no "TM Team". so i have to keep focused on something or ill never get anywhere. The above fix will make the uboat game perform as it does "stock". If and when i get the pacific game dialed in to where im saying, "Ok thats it, i can't do any more with it", ill switch focus to the uboat game at that time if its still needed. I suspect though that a uboat supermod will hit the SH4 scene long before then.

ICApproval 03-09-08 05:48 AM

I scanned this thread to see if I could spot my question - no luck or I may have missed it.

Question: I am not seeing a horizontal crosshair in the attack periscope. Sould there be one? From my limited experience it might be difficult to range a ship without it.

Ducimus 03-09-08 11:32 AM

No horizontal line is present in the attack periscope, only a verticle one. The way rangefinding works, the horizontal line was pretty irrelevant anyway.

ICApproval 03-09-08 11:43 AM


But I used the horizontal crosshair with the stedimeter. I put the horz xhair at the waterline and then used the stedimeter to measure up to the mast. Is there another way? Sorry for my ignorance

DrBeast 03-09-08 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by ICApproval

But I used the horizontal crosshair with the stedimeter. I put the horz xhair at the waterline and then used the stedimeter to measure up to the mast. Is there another way? Sorry for my ignorance

You don't really need the horizontal line for the stadimeter. All that matters is to align it correctly with the top of the mast. There's a mod out there called Ship Centered Accuracy Fix (SCAF for short), which makes manual targeting even easier. Unfortunately, it's not yet compatible with 1.5 or TMO, but CapnScurvy will take care of that, I'm sure.

ETA: Link to SCAF, here

ICApproval 03-09-08 12:06 PM

Thanks, I will give it a try shortly.


adseal 03-09-08 05:17 PM

Hi Ducimus!

First at all thank You for Your work. TM is the most powerful mod in this game.

Now... complains ;) :
i've installed tmo for patch 1.5. Everythings seems to look ok , but..... in gato class subs I have no background on sonar indicators and other indicators. It is only on gato class.

My config: win XP, athlon 3,2 Ghz, GeForce 7600 GT, 1,5 Gb RAM.


Ducimus 03-10-08 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by adseal
Hi Ducimus!
... in gato class subs I have no background on sonar indicators and other indicators. It is only on gato class.

That is the 3rd time ive seen this complaint. And im sitting here, dumbfounded because i just ran a patrol, sank 18,000 tons, and my sonar and other indicators worked fine the whole time without a single a hitch.

So for people who run into this, i need AS MUCH INFORMATION AS YOU CAN PROVIDE ME.

Some things i can think of that may help:

- Are you running additional mods with TMO?

- exact day , month and year this problem occured

-Flotilla to which you were assigned.

- Weather conditions

- Any damage to the boat?

etc etc etc etc. Just saying, my hydrophone has gone black, is alot like going into a military base and yelling, "Hey you in the BDU's and short haircut!" Could be anybody or anything. So i need specific info.

Hylander_1314 03-10-08 11:03 PM

First of all, thankyou very much folks who put this mod together. :up: It keeps gameplay quick enough for me as my schedule is quite a tight one at the moment. So because of time constraints this mod works perfect. ( I did take the time to read the FAQ, and printed it out as there are some nifty little tweaks that one can make to suit how they like to play).

To add maybe a possibility to the radar issue, I too have had blank radar screens, but only because the time period was early in the war, and those options weren't available. I think it was in '42 at some point where I first started seeing surface radar appearing as an option. Once installed on the boat, it always works unless damaged by enemy action, ie: surface engagement, or depth charges.

Again, thanks for all the efforts.

adseal 03-11-08 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by Ducimus

Originally Posted by adseal
Hi Ducimus!
... in gato class subs I have no background on sonar indicators and other indicators. It is only on gato class.

That is the 3rd time ive seen this complaint. And im sitting here, dumbfounded because i just ran a patrol, sank 18,000 tons, and my sonar and other indicators worked fine the whole time without a single a hitch.

So for people who run into this, i need AS MUCH INFORMATION AS YOU CAN PROVIDE ME.

Some things i can think of that may help:

- Are you running additional mods with TMO?

- exact day , month and year this problem occured

-Flotilla to which you were assigned.

- Weather conditions

- Any damage to the boat?

I understand Your position and confusion.
To precise: it happen only for GATO and GAR subs. I think they share the same files for background.

So for me it is like this (i've made some tests):

- I am using only TMO on 1.5 SH4
- no matter what date is, indicators have no backgrounds
- no matter what flotilla there are no backgrounds
- no matter of weather conditions (rain, sunny afternoon, etc.) - no backgrounds
- no damages (mainly I've checked it at beginning of missions and career)
- it happens always: I mean in "war patrol", "career" and "single missions"

I hope it will help.


Johnson0311 03-11-08 04:10 AM

God bless you...

NKVD-crazyivan 03-11-08 04:45 AM

Duci is there any way i can implament the symbols that are missing on the hud buttons due to the diferance between 1.5 TMO and u-boat missions....i hve tried menu maker but i get nothing but badley distorted give you an examble some buttons are missing the discribtion and symbol they all work still though...
Range at current speed
Range to end
ID target
Visual contact
Weather report
Sound contact
Normal sweep
Rasie lower SD radar

Like i said all buttons light up and perform but the symbols are not present as the rest are....

Thank you for your time and huge effort you have done and performed beyound the call of duty..............:up: :up: :up:

pifer 03-11-08 10:42 AM

Hi to all, in special to Ducimus for this great mod.

Im searching for these file that contains the crew limits (oficcers, etc).

Anyone can help me?

Thanks and my gratitude for this awesome mod

bruschi sauro 03-11-08 01:03 PM

Strange to tell but this mod tm for sh41.5 not working on my pc.........:damn:
strange because TM 1.7.6 working very well.:yep:
Ok I remove all mods with jsgme.
I install sh4 u-boat mission
I install with jsgme TM for ah4 1.5 and nothing happend.........
Help me please........:oops:

Ducimus 03-11-08 03:44 PM

>> RE: no background on sonar indicators and other indicators.

I am utterly confused. I think theres 3 reports of this that im aware of, but nobody else is making similar complaints. I beleive there is something SPECIFIC causing this for those folks. I wish i could find what that specific something is, because i can't duplicated it on my machine. I did a 60 day patrol to Honshu in my gato, and didnt have any problem at all. Nor on the multiple single test runs ive done (where my standard test sub is a Gato). If theres a Gremlin in the boat, i can't seem to find him.

>>RE: s there any way i can implament the symbols that are missing on the hud buttons due to the diferance between 1.5 TMO and u-boat missions

At this time, i am not touching anything related to the uboats outside of making sure it doesnt crash (fix for that soon to be released as part of TMO SP1). When im fully finished with the PTO game, THEN ill think about uboat stuff. The only people on the TM mod team are, Me, myself, and I. And none of us have the time to devote to uboats right now. :88) If and when i do have the time (and motivation), it will be to make the indian ocean as i orginally envisoned it waaaayyy back before GWX was even thought of. But right now, the Silent service and the pacific theater are the only things on my list. One thing at a time.

>>RE: Im searching for these file that contains the crew limits (oficcers, etc).


Somewhere near in the top of the file.

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