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Johann Vilthomsen 12-22-07 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Einsman
Joder Johann. Estoy alucinando con tu sueño hecho realidad. Expectacular. Si no lo veo no lo creo. Disfrútala. :up:

Gracias Einsman!!!

ReallyDedPoet 12-22-07 09:55 AM

Very nice work on this JV :yep::up:


Johann Vilthomsen 12-22-07 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by Kamikaze Joe
Quiyo, que cuelgue más grande.

Bueno, ya sabes, hay gente que se disfraza de Angeles del infierno para ir en moto, otros que lo hacen para ir en bicicleta, otros se construyen sus simuladores de vuelo, otros se disfrazan de Han Solo de la guerra de las galaxias y yo tengo el espacio, las posibilidades y los conocimientos para construirme algo que hace muchos años que sueño.
Conozco a un tipo que se construyo su casa alrededor de una inmensa maqueta de ferrocarril electrico. La vida esta hecha de ilusiones y me encanta que compartas la mia.

Hacia mucho que no te veia, un saludo y que todos tus deseos se cumplan por dos en tu vida en este proximo año 2008. :D

Johann Vilthomsen 12-22-07 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by tomoose
Interesting! If you got an idea, go with it. Next step I guess is to build a "console" around the PC to look like a sonar or radar station!?!?:hmm:

Merry Christmas to all.

Maybe, maybe :cool:

Johann Vilthomsen 12-22-07 10:06 AM


Johann Vilthomsen 12-22-07 10:08 AM


ParaB 12-22-07 01:46 PM

You are completely nuts!

In a totally awesome kind of way, of course.


moose1am 12-22-07 03:29 PM

Muchas Gracious! Senior

Nicley Done. It's amazing to me what guys will to to have fun. I have virtual friends that do this with Airplane cockpits. They make cockpits that have motion in three directions.

I have other friends that make underwater submarines (minature type) with remote controlled cameras.

Guys will find something to improve on their toys.

I wonder how he talked his wife into letting him do that to the house? He may be single or have a really understanding wife.

I wish I could read Spanish also. I took two years of Spanish Classes in High School but never really used it and have forgotten 99% of it.

I'd like to have an English Translation too if that were possible.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Johann Vilthomsen 12-22-07 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by moose1am
Muchas Gracious! Senior

Nicley Done. It's amazing to me what guys will to to have fun. I have virtual friends that do this with Airplane cockpits. They make cockpits that have motion in three directions.

I have other friends that make underwater submarines (minature type) with remote controlled cameras.

Guys will find something to improve on their toys.

I wonder how he talked his wife into letting him do that to the house? He may be single or have a really understanding wife.

I wish I could read Spanish also. I took two years of Spanish Classes in High School but never really used it and have forgotten 99% of it.

I'd like to have an English Translation too if that were possible.

Happy Holidays everyone!

I have a really understanding wife. :cool: in fact she supports to me, she know whichever like my hobby and know that clean and ordered in my works I am and in addition.. that room is mine!:lol: :lol: :lol:

Use the babelfish translator, like me

Orret 12-22-07 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by moose1am

I'd like to have an English Translation too if that were possible.

Happy Holidays everyone!

happy holidays comrade![Felices vacaciones camarada]
My favourite translator[Mi traductor preferido]

Blacklight 12-23-07 03:35 PM

Yes... I would do this...:yep: and yes... my wife would kill me if I did. :nope:

Kron161 12-23-07 06:37 PM

Hostia! Hostia! Hostia!!!!

Hacía un siglo que no me pasaba por aquí (problemas con el ordenador, formateo, falta de tiempo, un poco de vagancia.....) Sabía que lo ibas a hacer, pero... pero... pero... JOOOOOODEEEEERRRRRRR Joan!!!! Vaya par de webos!!!!

En cuanto lo tengas mas o menos montado... te juro que me paso por ahí!!!!!

por cierto....te explico un gadget que me he montado yo para mi cuarto...

Compras un reloj de cocina, de estos grandotes, a pilas, y con las agujas desprotegidas.... (es importante, porque vas a tener que desmontarlo)

Una vez adquirido el item, desmontas las agujas y quitas el disco de papel o adhesivo que tiene las horas marcadas.

Luego, coges un programa gráfico. Copias el archivo TGA del juego correspondiente al profundímetro del U-boat, el Tieffenmesser. Lo tienes que editar para que su tamaño coincida justo con el del disco horario que vas a tener que reemplazar (ves por donde voy, no?) Igual tienes que hacer un par de ajustes: Los imprimes en blanco y negro hasta que el tamaño sea exacto para encajar en el reloj donde estaba el disco horario original.

Cuando tienes el tamaño de la impresión exacto, lo imprimes en una hoja de papel fotográfico, a maxima resolución y a todo color.

Coges el disco, lo recortas y lo pones en el reloj. Vuelves a montar las agujas y.... Voilá!!! Un fantástico reloj U-boat decorativo que da cantidad de ambiente y además es util!!!

Si me pasas tu mail por privado, te hago una foto de mi reloj-uboot-tiefenmesser y te la paso para que veas de qué hablo.

Y animos con tu sueño!! (y encima con el apoyo del almirantazgo!!!) joeer ES QUE LOS HAY CON SUERTE!!!!

Kaleu. Jochen Mohr 12-23-07 09:59 PM

and then they say i dont have a life, the obly difference is you do somthing with it and i dont :p

i would love to see the finished room with both normal and red lights.
"keep up the good work, BDU" :up:

Orret 12-24-07 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by Neal Stevens
Orret, Maybe you can use your moderator power to EDIT his posts and add some English translations??:hmm: Ask him he would approve this, we would love to know what he is saying!

Posted on the SUBSIM News.


Neal thanks I have put myself in contact with Johann to our community in common "" to make a translation of all its notes in this great project. My english is not good and not correct but we waited for last the Christmas celebrations that a friend can make it translation.

Johann Vilthomsen 12-24-07 11:36 AM


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