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THEBERBSTER 01-31-15 08:25 PM

Hi Guys

It has been a while since I last reported on the tonnage bar issue so I thought it would be a good opportunity to bring you up to date with my findings.

I am pretty sure that saved games is the key.

Synchronising the saved games I believe is partly or totally responsible for the failures.

I have found that it does not matter whether you play on line or off line.

What is important is that your games are always taken from your local saves and this means that they do not get synchronised.

Game saves can come in 3 parts.

Autosave Enter Base (AEB) this is the one where you meet the Flotilla Leader.

Autosave In Game (AIG) these are automatic game saves that occur every 25 minutes.

AIG saves where you make a manual save in between the automatic AIG saves.

The automatic AIG save disregards the time you made your manual save.

Manual saves are never overwritten by the automatic AIG save.

The last save when you exit the game is stored in your SaveGame folder.

You can find this by going to your

My Documents folder

SH5 folder

Data folder

Cfg folder

SaveGames folder

In this folder is stored all the information only for the main Mission i.e. British Coastal Waters and only also all patrols that are associated with it.

Your game save information is copied to the particular patrol that you are doing i.e South Western Approaches (SWA).

So having finished North Western Approaches and the tonnage bar fills correctly I then go on 3 independent patrols while I wait for SWA patrol to appear on January 1st 1940.

I make sure that I end the patrol each time and do not select refit as I believe it is better to keep the information being updated to a minimum.

I am in SWA and I sink a Uekel SPT 1,765 tons 1940-01-15 08.46 hours and check the tonnage bar and nothing.

I sink the same ship another 4 times with all different variations that I can think of to no avail and give up and resign myself to not having the tonnage bar working which as we now know is not essential anyway.

I then pick up a large convoy and sink a Liberty Cargo 7,174 tons 1940-01-16 09.31 hours and a SV Medium Freighter 7,840 tons 1940-01-16 also 09.31 hours.

To my surprise both register on the tonnage bar.

All 3 sinkings show correctly recorded in the Captain’s Log.

When I go to the SaveGame folder only 2 of the ships sunk are showing for 15,010 tons.

Now when I check through the data for SWA I now find that there are only 6 target types of ships recorded.

On some other sets of data shows the port the ships left and the port where they are going to.

So I am seeing now for the first time why although inside the patrol area some ships are recorded on the tonnage bar and others do not count.

Unfortunately I do not understand the 3 digit type numbers of the ships that are correct.

Also as far as the data in the SaveGames folder I may know where the ship has come from but I am not going to know its destination.

So you can see why the saved games have an impact on the tonnage bar.

To be continued….


Rogue-9 02-09-15 06:58 AM

The issue is inconsistent
The thing that puzzles me is how random the problem seems to be.

I have not changed any of the Uplay settings and I am playing in online mode.

I see a convoy during the coastal waters mission and manual save right before engaging. I sink 4 ships and no tonnage is registered.

I then reload my manual save straight from inside the game. No exit, no restart, nothing. I sink the same 4 ships and all of them register on the tonnage bar - mission complete.

I changed nothing in between those two attempts and once it worked and once it didn't. It can't be the types of ships, it can't be online vs offline, it can't be down to mods. I just don't get it.

THEBERBSTER 02-09-15 02:55 PM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Rogue-9 :subsim:

You Will Always Find Someone Here To Help You :sunny:

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Having Tonnage Bar Problems Then Go To My Tutorial Post #188 On Page 13 :salute:

Making manual saves close to targets, destroyed marks, and when submerged is not adviseable.

Jimbuna 02-09-15 03:50 PM

Welcome to SubSim Rogue :sunny:

adrians69 02-09-15 05:21 PM

I had this problem with the latest WoS version, however it was solved by disabling the Avanced patches in the TDW Generic Patcher. In the snapshot included, they are enabled by default, indeed one of those patches actually states "allows user to play single missions and test campaign only." Therefore I think that this disables campaign progression. Mine has worked perfectly ever since I disabled that patch in the generic patcher.


Aktungbby 02-09-15 05:49 PM

welcome aboard!

vdr1981 04-07-15 08:53 AM

I'm reading this thread and there's so much frustration and grief...
I think it's time to finally put an end on this subject and make SH5 /OH2 campaign available for everyone with completely open gameplay and date controlled missions, including players with annoying tonnage bar bug. :yep:
I've got really simple idea how to accomplish that, half of the job is already done by my BAN of tonnage bar from TWoS megamod. More on this later...

gap 04-07-15 11:12 AM

A bunch of questions...
Hi guys,

forgive my total ignorance on the subject, but during the last few years I have only launched the game for testing purposes, and the last time I played the campaign (very long ago), I didn't go further than Total Germany (yep, I admit it, it was the stock campaign :88), but at that time OHII was still on the making!).

This is to say that my knowledge of how SH5's campaign advances is very limited... so my questions are: what is the whole point about scoring tonnage bar points? Do they count for reward and/or morale points? Are they needed for being awarded medals or higher commander's ranks (and, by the way, have the latter awards any effect on the campaign, or they are purely cosmetic features)? Are they required for being given the command of new boats? Do they open new Campaigns/Objectives/Missions? How do tonnage points relate to Campaigns' tonnage requirements? In other words: if the tonnage bar gets "stuck", do sunk tonnage still count towards fullfilling the requirements of the current Campaign? Correct me if I am wrong, but I seem to remember that OH's campaign still advances wether we fill up the tonnage bar or not, so what do we actually miss when it fails to record sunk shipping as supposed? :hmm2:

vdr1981 04-07-15 12:47 PM

Ahoy Gap! :salute:

This requires a bit longer post so i better start...

I'll talk only about OH2 campaign files because default campaign is really nothing worth to talk about...

Trevally did a great job and that's the fact, OHII campaign is carefully tuned and it doesn't force player to chase tonnage like crazy in order to continue campaign. However, in order for player to be able to advance from one campaign to another, for example from the first opening campaign to Happy Times, player will need at least one Value Point (AKA small iron cross in upper left corner of navigation map). The problem is, in order to earn that point player has to fulfill tonnage objective(or number of ships obj) at least once. And that is the problem...
So what will happen? The player will reach eventually final date of the last mission from certain campaign (for example South Western Approaches for the first campaign) with 0 value points/crosses and the game will just continue without any missions or objectives until end of the war.

I'm not really sure and this needs to be tested, but it seems that new sub offer is not related at all to campaign missions and value points. I think that this is exclusively related to overall player's tonnage, capital ships sinking, date and medals (which are again related to tonnage and capital ships sinking). I hope this is true...

There's one more problem with campaign files and it's not cause by tonnage bar bug.
The missions ARE date controlled and with OHII you really dont have to fulfill one mission's tonnage request in order to activate the next one but...
Take for example Eastern British Coastal Waters (EBCW) in the opening campaign. Deadline for EBCW is on 1st December 1939. In order for player to activate next mission he will need to gain achievement "EBCW completed"for EBCW mission (this is defined in campaign cfg file). Now this achivement can be gained in two ways, to fulfill tonnage objectives for that particular mission or to wait 1st December in the patrol. Than, next mission will become "unlocked" and visible (Northern Patrol or something). If player decide to dock and end patrol on 25th November and tonnage objective from EBCW is not fulfilled , he will spent next two weeks in the bunker and game wont give you "EBCW completed" achievement.

In that case, the player wont be able to see any more achievement activated missions until final campaign date. He will be able to see only "unlocked" missions which doesn't required some achievement like Scapa Flow mission or Invasion of Norway. That can be pretty boring because all that player will see until the end of the campaign is empty navigation without ability for player to select patrol grid and actual feel that you are really participating in something...

Now, my idea is simple...To "unlock" all the mission and to remove achievements request, to give a player that one required "Value point" (AKA cross) from the start, to remove goddamn tonnage bar (already done that:03:) so that player can face fully free, open and nonlinear gameplay with multiple area of operations visible almost all the time( with historically accurate date limits of course:03:).

Simple as that...:D

P.S. I've already prepared files for the first two campaigns and it would be really nice if there is someone with tonnage bar issue willing to test my idea.
I haven't contacted Trevally so far and I don't have an idea what will he says about all this but for players with this issue this is the only solution that I can think of... Really a LOT of work has been done on OHII and SH5 and it's really shame to be abandoned now just because of STUPID tonnage bar...Jeee, I hate that thing... :D

gap 04-10-15 02:33 PM

Hi Vecko,
thank you for your detailed answers! :salute:

I agree with you on the importance of a well balanced campaign. It is: a campaign making the player to plan wisely his patrols, with the final aim of making it through to the end of the conflict, preferably (but not necessarily!) with a decent war booty and one or two medals, as opposed to inducing him to chase tonnage like a mad, in order to proceed to the next campaign/objective. In that sense, I think OHII has been going in the right direction, by making tonnage requirements hidden, and by introducing the "patrol xx area for yy hours" concept as our main task of virtual skippers. Though a bit tedious, after all this was the reality of the war for most U-boat captains. Moreover, historical objectives with special orders involved, like "Breaking the Fortress", "Operation Weserübung", "Breakthrough Gibraltar", "The Triumph of the Wolfpack" etc. (not to mention the special spy, recon, escort, etc. side missions, also based on real U-boat orders, that we can be assigned every now and then during OH's campaign), should be enough to break the monotony of our daily patrol routines.

I also agree with you that, within the boundaries of historical likelihood, the timeframe of most objectives should be widened. Increasing the overlapping of campaign objectives would minimize the chance of being left to freely roam the oceans in wait for the next objective to become available. With a bit of fantasy, we could take those long silences by B.d.U. as extended leaves, but other than that they always leave the average player a bit disconcerted, and above all they make little sense: the U-boat warfare was an highly organized one and, to the best of my knowledge, in no case an U-boat crew would have been allowed to leave the home port without precise orders.

I have just one perplexity though. Though we can make a virtue out of necessity, (taking this ill-fated tonnage bar bug as an opportunity to introduce in campaign some improvements that were needed anyway while we still hope the bug to be ironed out one good day), we shouldn't lapse in the error of Aesop's fox, saying that grapes are sour just because we can't reach them. I make myself clear: as brutal as it sounds, sinking as much merchant tonnage as possible was the central scope of nazi campaign in the Atlantic. A SH campaign built to totally ignore that simple concept would be missing the point. Similar to what would have happened in reality, I expect our virtual flotilla commander to send us on patrol without a precise tonnage figure to be sunk. The typical order was to "go here or there (i.e. a quadrant in the world map) and patrol for x days, or until the next order is issued". Unless explicitly forbidden for any special reason, the implicit continuation of the former order was "...sink as much tonnage as possible and take your crew back home for the greater glory of our beloved Nation". Indeed, "as much as possible" is not 50,000 or 100,000 tons, but rather: "the more, the better". What does this phrase imply? Well, in my opinion, two things:

  • Due to the chronic lack of well trained officers, even mediocre WWII Ubootwaffe commanders were retained on the front line. If you check the commander's section of, you will find many examples of u-boat captains who stayed in command on the front line for several years, having scored few or no success at all; typically, u-boat skippers -heroes or not- stayed on command until they retired themselves.... on the sea bottom together with their boat. Likewise, SH5 campaign should continue to the end even though we didn't sink a single tugboat during our whole career. As far as we follow explicit orders issued to us (in war times, missing to do it without a valid reason would have been considered treason, i.e. court martial, and even in game we should be harshly sanctioned for our insubordination), we should still be able to select campaigns, objectives, etc. Despite the fact that stock campaigns are tonnage-focused I am glad to learn from your and Trevally's words (on OH's forum), that there are workarounds to trigger them by date, thus making the tonnage thing accessory as far as campaign continuity is concerned. :up:
  • On the other hand, and this is what I am worried about, I would expect effective commanders, with many sunk ships/tons in their captain's log, to be awarded with better u-boat commands earlier in the war, with reward and morale points to be spent on improving their boat's equipment and crew's skills, with the option to choose what flotilla they will be assigned for their next campaign (as opposed to having only one selectable campaign when the previous one is ended; short digression: as a rule of thumbs campaigns far from the Atlantic, the scenario favored by Doenitz, should be the one option for virtual commanders performing "not so well", the option of choosing one of the campaigns taking place in the Atlantic being given only to the players achieving a "total victory" at the end of the previous campaign), and -why not- a medal when they just deserved it! Since, realistically, tonnage wouldn't be required anymore for progressing in campaign, retaining at least those aspects of the "tonnage/ship sinking system" would give a sense of scope to the game. So my question to you and Trevally is: are the aforementioned features bogged down somehow by the current tonnage bar bug? and, more importantly, will the proposed changes to OHII retain or even improve them, or rather they will be definitely discarded, together with the whole tonnage thing? :hmm2:

Choum 04-12-15 03:59 AM

I have stopped play this game since September due to this bug, but just want to know if something have moved about it.

Who have open a ticket to the Ubisoft support ?
What does they say about it ?
I just open a ticket with them about this game, waiting their answer.

vdr1981 04-12-15 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Choum (Post 2305965)
I have stopped play this game since September due to this bug, but just want to know if something have moved about it.

Who have open a ticket to the Ubisoft support ?
What does they say about it ?
I just open a ticket with them about this game, waiting their answer.

Don't count on ubisoft...They abandoned SH series a long time ago...
Are you willing to test modified campaign file in order to bypass this bug?

Sjizzle 04-12-15 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2306140)
Don't count on ubisoft...They abandoned SH series a long time ago...
Are you willing to test modified campaign file in order to bypass this bug?

heya vdr1981 do u have a modified campaign and u need some1 to test it ?
if yup let me know and i will do some test for u :D

vdr1981 04-12-15 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2306143)
heya vdr1981 do u have a modified campaign and u need some1 to test it ?
if yup let me know and i will do some test for u :D

Very nice, but it's only for first two campaigns for now. Until you reach the end of Happy Times I guess Trev, Gap and me will find the solution for other campaigns too...
You use IO Strat. grid map with OH2, right?

vdr1981 04-12-15 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2306143)
heya vdr1981 do u have a modified campaign and u need some1 to test it ?
if yup let me know and i will do some test for u :D

Here we go Sjizzle, don't forget to check the documentation and...Happy hunting! :salute:
The patch only unlocks tonnage dependable missions, removing tonnage bar and gives to the player one value point (AKA cross) so he can end the campaign even if he's suffering tonnage bar stuck issue...:yep:

Sjizzle 04-12-15 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2306158)
Here we go Sjizzle, don't forget to check the documentation and...Happy hunting! :salute:

thx i will do some test and will report back

Sjizzle 04-13-15 04:12 AM

Heya vdr1981 here is my first report i am heading now to skapa flow what i have found till is is that u will not get any radio messages when u intercept the polish task force but the objective is complete .... here i mean no radio message attack any polish task force like u get till now.

vdr1981 04-13-15 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2306255)
Heya vdr1981 here is my first report i am heading now to skapa flow what i have found till is is that u will not get any radio messages when u intercept the polish task force but the objective is complete .... here i mean no radio message attack any polish task force like u get till now.

OK, it happens sometimes, nothing related to this patch. The patch only unlocks tonnage dependable missions, removing tonnage bar and gives to the player one value point (AKA cross) so he can end the campaign even if he's suffering tonnage bar stuck issue...:yep:

Sjizzle 04-13-15 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2306288)
OK, it happens sometimes, nothing related to this patch. The patch only unlocks tonnage dependable missions, removing tonnage bar and gives to the player one value point (AKA cross) so he can end the campaign even if he's suffering tonnage bar stuck issue...:yep:

aaa OK. finally done the scapa flow mission now heading back home after 2 fails i have forgot about the mines there it's only Trevally's fault :P
first attempt was from east there was really pain in *** lots of destroyers and mines
second attempt was from south also got spotted there by a destroyer and died again last and successful attempt was from south with a heavy flog day at speed of 2knts. late or tomorrow ill report back till now all is ok

i can not take any mission anymore i am at 2.10.1939 all mission appear on the map but i can not select request mission ... and they appear as finished mission.... and i have even started them ....


i have changed all IsCompleted=true to IsCompleted=false now and i start a new campaign to see what's happens

vdr1981 04-14-15 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2306350)
aaa OK. finally done the scapa flow mission now heading back home after 2 fails i have forgot about the mines there it's only Trevally's fault :P
first attempt was from east there was really pain in *** lots of destroyers and mines
second attempt was from south also got spotted there by a destroyer and died again last and successful attempt was from south with a heavy flog day at speed of 2knts. late or tomorrow ill report back till now all is ok

i can not take any mission anymore i am at 2.10.1939 all mission appear on the map but i can not select request mission ... and they appear as finished mission.... and i have even started them ....


i have changed all IsCompleted=true to IsCompleted=false now and i start a new campaign to see what's happens

You can't select aditional mission for Skapa Flow, that's intended, but what about EBCW?
Don't tell me you've already scored 70000 tons in the eastern coast?

Are you playing with magui interface?
I don't understand you quite well? can you show me some screenshot? :hmmm:

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