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Created Showing Discussions 3 of 3 Replies Last Post
by Xerxes
06-03-22 04:33 PM
Guide Plans
The guide will be split up into several sub-guides: Silent 3ditor Terrain Extraction ...
06-30-22 05:56 PM
by Xerxes Go to last post
by Xerxes
05-31-22 05:57 PM
If you've joined, go ahead and toss your name in here, as well as what you're proficient at.
06-05-22 10:49 AM
by Xerxes
06-03-22 06:28 AM
Guide Outline
Here's a rough outline I whipped up for the S3D guide: Introduction Basic Vocabulary Basics...
06-03-22 06:28 AM
by Xerxes Go to last post

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