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File Name: FuMO-391 BugFix (99.0 KB) Download
Author: Unknown (Uploaded by Laufen zum Ziel)
Date Added: 04-02-09
Downloads: 479
Grade: A+
FuMO-391 BugFix---en_ReadMe----------------------------------------------------------------------


After choosing FuMO-391 Radar for type XXI submarine you always got the messages
"Radar Destroyed" and "Radar Antenna Destroyed". Looking at the radar-screen, it seems as
if the FuMO 391 is active - but contacts were neither displayed nor announced by the RO.

The location of the FuMO 391 is still the left side of the conning tower, although the
configuration menu says that it is placed up on the snorkel (and moves up and down with the

There are two nodes for radar-equipment in the NSS_UBoat21.dat file - R01 and R02. R01 is the
standard node - and in use . You can activate different radar types on this node via Basic.cfg.
The secound radar node (R02) is "out of order". It alocates the radar equipment on the snorkel.
This node can be activated via NSS_UBoat21.sns - the sensors file.

Changing the nodes causes the same problems as before - "Radar Antenna Destroyed" and "Radar Destroyed".
Only the FuMO-64 "Hohentwiel" is working correct with this solution - but the object is
"hanging arround" in the snorkel. Working correct means: it moves up and down with the snorkel,
when on snorkel depth, it shows contacts on the maps and the RO announces contacts.

Moving the object "FUMO64Hohentwiel.obj" with Wings3D to an other position causes more problems
than before - plus "Hydrophone Destroyed".


The FuMO-64 "Hohentwiel" will be the standard radar for type XXI subs - still fixed with the
node R01. You don't have to chosse it - it is included when changing to the type XXI. From
September, 1st 1944, the FuMO-391 will appear as a secound radar on the node R02 (on the snorkel).
This will be done by the settings in the NSS_UBoat21.sns (no extra ordering, no extra price).

Function: When you are surfaced, nothing changed. You will see the FuMO-64 on the left side of
the conning tower and - from September 1st 1944, the FuMO-391 on the snorkel. The FuMO-64 can
be switched on and off as usual, the FuMO-391 will always be "on", when it is outside the water.
So you will always have radar activated - you can not forget to switch it "on" when you are
surfaced again.

When the FuMO-64 is "on", the radar screen is "on too. When FuMO-64 is "off" the screen is "off"
too, but contacts will be shown on the maps and anounced by the RO (because FuMO-391 is active).

When you are diving and the snorkel is "down" all radars are "off". When you are on snorkel depth
and the snorkel is "up", FuMO-391 will be activated and contacts are shown and anounced. But
the screen is still "off" - FuMO-64 is "off" too when submerged. So you can see ships and airplains (on the maps) although you are

With other words: your type XXI sub will have a standard radar that must be "managed" by yourself
and an "AI-Radar" that is managed by the programm(settings).

Or: Radarscreen is fixed with the R01-node and its equipment, radar contacts on map and announcements
are fixed with both R01- AND R02-nodes and their equipments.


1) Use JSGME or copy the NSS_UBoat21.sns to type XXI folder "data/Submarine/NSS_UBoat21".

2) Make the following changes (and a copy of the original files):

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A website this big uses a lot of bandwidth and needs a really powerful server to stay online day after day, for 20 years. Thanks for the support!

12-28-11 at 12:21 AM
you have no other solution
12-28-11 at 12:17 AM
not correct my problem I can do?
02-26-12 at 06:24 AM
It worked for me ! Vielen Dank !
09-14-13 at 03:39 PM
I use the JSGME, but doesn't work. How I can make to works the mod?

I've also tried to copy NSS_UBoat21.sns with the same result.
05-14-14 at 12:04 PM
Fortunately, I made run this mod, but I think you can made more easier if you includes the basic.cfg in the mod.
10-15-21 at 09:13 PM
Nothing has changed after this mod. FuMO is not located on snorkel atop but close to Array Antenna, so doesn't work when u-boot submarged.

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