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File Name: Old Passenger ship (4.46 MB) Download
Author: GoldenEagle8 (Uploaded by Laufen zum Ziel)
Date Added: 03-30-09
Downloads: 559
Grade: Not Rated
Hello, and thank you for downloading my first ship.

To Install-
This Ship is JSGME ready.
If you do not wish to use JSGME, you can copy the NRMM_ folder in Sea, into
And vopy one of the roster files, and put it into the countries of your
example-data/roster/*any country*/Sea
Then you need to add this line to the EnglishNames.cfg:

RMM=Old Passenger Ship

The ship might not be seen in any single mission or the campaign, this is
beacause it is not scripted in anywhere. It might how ever come up sometimes
in campaign if the game calls for a genaric ship.

The ship has what almost looks like a roof top on the front, infront of the
super structure. It is the ship's First Class Dinning room. in the beginning
of the war, this will have windows on it. In 1940 when the war breaks out,
The windows will be covered with iron plating, for strength and water tight
reasons. And the dinning room will become an area where cargo is stored.

I Thank Privateer greatly for all of his help with the creation of this ship.
He pretty much had to walk me through it.
And countless others for their positive input and opinoins.

Thank you!

If you need help I can be reached at either Subsim, or the UBI Silent Hunter
forums. Look for, or Private message GoldenEagle8

You must be registered with this forum to download files. If you are registered and getting this message,
then the Downloads section is experiencing heavy load volumes and has been temporarily restricted to members
who are in the Subsim Navy (donors). Please try again later.


Become an officer in the Subsim Navy here and have your download limit increased to 25, 35 or even 60 a day! Click here to join.

A website this big uses a lot of bandwidth and needs a really powerful server to stay online day after day, for 20 years. Thanks for the support!

02-05-12 at 06:35 PM
02-12-17 at 05:18 PM
Great Ship , Saw it near the Outer Hebrides
04-17-22 at 10:49 PM
Very good. Thank you.

DownloadsII 5.1.0 by CyberRanger & Jelle
Based on ecDownloads 4.1 © Ronin
Graphics by Danlisa

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