v1.0 - first public release
v1.1 - small bugfix
v1.2 - new textures for TRA room from type VIIA, B, C and C41
- alternative periscope and OBS view as add-on
v1.2.1 - bug fix in scale of periscope and OBS view
v1.2.2 - alternative clock with black face as add-on
v1.2.3 - change the subfolder structure for bug fixes
v1.2.4 - changed some textures in all submarines
- historical correct floor
- Radion R3 as alternative radio as add-on
- alternative gyro compass as add-on
- alternative torpedos (optic of G7e) in TRF room as add-on
v1.2.4a - reworked texture of the alternative torpedoes from version 1.2.4
- delete alternative gyro compass as add-on for non TWoS
v1.2.5 - small texture change in TRA room
- some new but not animated dails in DER room
- small color correction at alternative gyro compass add-on
- new relistic torpedo texture/color in UZO, periscope and OBS view when a torpedo is fired
- small adjustment of the chimney smoke at the merchant ships
- change submarine texture on sub system page with blueprint/construction plan
v1.2.5a - revision of the coloring of both compass variants
- switched dark version of the gyro compass to default one and the light version as alternative add-on
v1.2.5b - compass is now draggable on the top in heading view
v1.2.5c - fixed a bug with "out of sector" in external view
- fixed the bug with brocken texture of the ladder in CR
v1.2.5d - retracted
v1.2.6 - fix the bug of flickering ladder in QR2
- change position of the toilet in QR2 to historical correct position
- added additional boxes of food in QR1
- reworked texture of the ship flags to make them look more used
- folder structure of the add-on mods revised and the documentation refined
- reworked some textures in CR room
- a few minor tweaks and fixes
v2.0 - no public release, because this one was just for testing for better compatibility with other mods
v2.0.1 - deleted the some add-on (gyro compass, Radione R3 and Stopwatch)** to have better compatibility with other mods
- deleted additional boxes of food in QR1
- deleted boxes of food and ladder in QR2
- folder structure of the add-on revised
- deleted reworked ship flagstextures
- a few minor tweaks and fixes
v2.0.2 - toned down night filter for the navigation map
- changed colors for axis (blue) and allies (red) terrain on navigation map
v2.0.3 - color correction from harbors on map
- a few minor tweaks and fixes
v2.0.4 - new textures for oxygen bottles in TRA room from type VIIA, B, C and C41
- small texture changes in CT and QR1 room
v2.0.5 - exchanged some tower emblems from Gunfighter (gf1.dds, gf6.dds, gf7.dds, gf11.dds, gf13.dds, gf16.dds, gf17.dds and gf20.dds) for using in campaign
- reduced binding of metal parts on the floor in QR1
- a few minor texture fixes
v2.0.6 - added curtains for the bunks in QR1 (two of them are closed to simulate sleeping crew members)
- changed position of the toilet in QR1 and QR2 to historical correct position
- toilet paper and pipes in the toilet in QR1 re-placed, because they were partially in the wall
- two pictures re-placed in the seating area, because they were partially covered before
v2.0.7 - closed toilet lid in QR2
- fixed a graphic glitch of a pipe in toilet in QR2
- added the add-on "GSE - QR1 + QR2 Fix" to get GSE version of QR1 and QR2 if you use mods that overwrite the files Room_QR1.GR2 and QRoom_QR2.GR2
v2.0.8 - added curtains for the bunks in QR2
- reworked curtains in QR1
- new texture for all curtains in QR1 and QR2
- added pictures in QR2
- fixed the graphic bug of the red button of the hydrophone so it is visible again
v2.0.9 - closed the toilet door in QR1 a little more so that the way to TRF is more clear
- remodeled and enlarged toilet in QR1 slightly
- added a sink and a towel in toilet in QR1
- books from the sitting area have moved to the captain's quarters and two private books (War and Peace band 1 & 2 by Tolstoi) have been added
- placed a Radione R3 in the seating area
- reworked mashes of the curtains for the bunks in QR1 and QR2
- minimal adjustment of the light in the submarine
- a few minor fixes of the mashes in QR1
v2.0.10 - changed sound files so that the crew on the tower no shout anymore
- exchanged smoke effect from sinking ships
- delete the stupid pole on the deck at the front of from type VIIA and VIIB
- a few minor texture changes and minor fixes of some mashes
v2.0.11 - fix of speed and gyro compass texture in CT
- fix texture mapping of volt and ampere label in TRA from type VIIB, VIIC and VIIC41
- small texture fix in add-on "GSE - QR1 + QR2 Fix"
v2.1 - delete the splash guard from type VIIB tower 2 for player submarine
- add splash guard to type VIIC tower 1 and tower 2 for player submarine
- reworked the texture from the ring of the hydrophone
- reworking the clouds and the cloud texture
- fixed possible flickering of the toilet wall in QR1
- fixed possible flickering of the base from the table next to the boxes in QR1
- a few additional fixes of mashes and vertices in QR1
- a deleted unnecessary vertices on type VIIC tower 1 and tower 2
- small graphic adjustment of the floor of the toilet in QR2
- replace 3d model and texture of the snorkel on all submarines
- added the add-on "GSE - VIIC41 Snorkel Deck" to get the snorkel slot on the deck from VIIC/41
v2.1.1 - small changes to the snorkel on all submarines
- correction of wrong folder structure and files names
- small changes on the add-on "GSE - VIIC41 Snorkel Deck"
v2.1.2 - replaced the texture of the clouds
- add labeling of electric engines in TRA from type VIIA
- added the smoke effect of sinking ships from TWoS again
- replaced type VIIA deck texture with a modified version from Pascal's "Pascal_sh5_deck_VIIA_version5"
- revision of the deck texture from type VIIB deck
v2.1.3 - fixed graphic glitch on the two ball bulkheads in CR that were visible from QR1 and QR2
- changed some textures from the LI
- the decks of VIIA, VIIB, VIIC, VIIC41 and VIIC41F have been completely reworked
- the arrangement of the textures from the decks of VIIA, VIIB, VIIC, VIIC41 and VIIC41F has been adjusted
- replaced deck textures from type VIIA and VIIB with a modified version from Pascal's great deck textures
- replaced deck textures from type VIIC with a modified version from Pascal's great texture as an add-on
- rework of the graphics of the attack pericope, OBS pericope and binoculars
- additional small texture corrections
v2.1.4 - small adjustments of the graphics and the position of the periscope and OBS
- added from GSE v2.1.2 the old versions of the periscope and the OBS as an add-on
- minor texture optimizations
v2.1.5 - fixes the bug that the pointer for the Track Angle does not move during TDC
- added the add-on "GSE - Keyboard Layout for TWoS Real Navigation" to have GSE keyboard layout with active TWoS Real Navigation
** The deleted add-ons, some other files and also the additional boxes of food and ladder in QR1 and QR2 are avalaible as separat mods. This mods are:
- GrenSo's Stopwatch
- GrenSo's Compass
- Radione R3
- silentmichal's interior mod 2.x by GrenSo
- Conus' Das Boot Crew Faces