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File Name: Automatic TMA multiple sonar solver v0.5 (13.19 MB) Download
Author: ljqcn101 (Uploaded by ljqcn101)
Date Added: 04-10-19
Downloads: 104
Grade: Not Rated
  • Fix bug of calculating speed when using TMA ruler as reference.
  • New sample image, including towed array sonar inputs. Now you can input the same index number for observations from different sonars.

This is an Automatic Target Motion Analysis tool designed for Dangerous Waters / 688i Hunter Killer / Sub Command.

Dedicated thread:

Dependency (usually already installed if you play other games):
Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 x86 and x64

1. Take a screenshot of in-game TMA station and put the image in the same folder as the tool.

2. Run the tool and select/drag the console window to anywhere convenient to you. Caution: DO NOT click on the image window yet, which will cause the line detector to freeze and you'll not get an update on which line is detected.

3. Hand-label each detected line numerically, starting from 0. This represents time sequence of the bearing line. If a line is falsely detected, type in a negative number, such as -1.

4. (Optional) Enter the speed of the TMA ruler in a format of "xxkn" or "xxknots" or "xxkts".

5. (Optional) Enter a speed constraint if you want to filter out solutions with specific speed. Otherwise enter a negative number.

6. All TMA solutions will be displayed on the image in green.
Automatic TMA multiple sonar solver v0.5 by ljqcn101 on 03-12-21

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