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File Name: SH_Keymapper (1.41 MB) Download
Author: jimimadrid (Uploaded by Webster)
Date Added: 06-26-15
Downloads: 2268
Grade: A+
SH_Keymapper ......
....lets you easily move the commands to different key's in your keyboard. You will be able to get access to all command used in the command.cfg. (Some commands are garbage from older SH versions and may crash your SH Game -Take care)
SH_Keymapper is tested with SH4 and SH5. It should also work with SH3.

Lets you select one of 9 different keyboardlayouts:

SH_Keymapper has an Expert Mode which let you get easy access to all keybindings used in the commands.cfg:

You will be able to made your own MyKey Mod that can be enabled by JSGME
(Load from Mykey <- will automatically create a MyKey Mod - the first time it copy your actually commands.cfg to the Mods Folder)

Please copy the SH_Keymapper.exe to yout SilentHunter Directory for correct running.

You will find also a little Manual in the download.

I hope you enjoy it.


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A website this big uses a lot of bandwidth and needs a really powerful server to stay online day after day, for 20 years. Thanks for the support!

10-01-15 at 01:36 AM
thanks works great
gerhard moncada
09-25-15 at 11:53 PM
thank you, herr kapitan
10-10-16 at 08:48 AM
Where can I find the original keyboard layout for SH 4? I am brand new to the game and to Subsim.
03-30-16 at 06:48 PM
Great tool! Thank you very much!!
04-29-16 at 07:40 PM
great tool thank you !!!!!
04-29-16 at 07:41 PM
GREAT TOOL A+ Thank you so much for this ,,,
08-25-16 at 01:57 PM
Not working for me, says No Commands.cfg File is loaded. Tried putting it in different folders, same result. Tried it with SH 3 and SH 5 vanilla games, same result. OS I am using is windows 10 64 bit if that makes any difference. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
01-24-18 at 09:51 PM
Works Great !! Thank you very much
09-15-17 at 04:53 AM
Oh yesss I was struggling with that bloody command.cfg with poor results on my french small keyboard and now I can easily program all that stuff
Many many thanks @@++
07-07-18 at 01:23 PM
You are GURU !!!
01-06-19 at 07:53 AM

Many thanks for this cool tool!
02-07-19 at 08:03 PM
Hope this works, thanks
10-25-19 at 06:50 PM
03-25-21 at 06:53 PM
Win 10 64 system. No Commands.cfg loaded issue. How do I fix?
Hešin W
06-06-21 at 09:53 AM
Thank you for the SH keymapper

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Based on ecDownloads 4.1 © Ronin
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