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who are in the Subsim Navy (donors). Please try again later.


Become an officer in the Subsim Navy here and have your download limit increased to 25, 35 or even 60 a day! Click here to join.

A website this big uses a lot of bandwidth and needs a really powerful server to stay online day after day, for 20 years. Thanks for the support!

File Name: ***** BONUS MODS READ ME FIRST ****** (1,000 Bytes) Download
Author: SUBSIM (Uploaded by Neal Stevens)
Date Added: 01-24-15
Downloads: 2859
Grade: A+
Bonus Mods are available to any supporter of the website.

To get the Bonus Mods & become a SUBscriber & member of the Subsim Navy, there are several levels of membership available, as low as $5! That's the cost of a Starbucks coffee or a pack of smokes.

You can download 25, 45, even 100 regular downloads daily, as well as gain access to the bonus mods, have a custom avatar and profile pic, and more album uploads. You are supporting the Subsim website and that's something to be proud of!

Click here to join the Subsim Navy and get your Bonus Mods!

Just to be clear, when you donate through this Bonus Mods section here, after your transaction is complete, give the forum 5~15 minutes to upgrade your account, then you should see the SUBscribers section with Bonus Mods at the top of the forum.

This is where the Bonus Mods be, skipper. Click HERE to go there now.


Click here for a list & description of Bonus Mods.

This website hosts thousands of mods for over 100,000 registered members. To keep Subsim running, there are a few Bonus Mods (less than 10) that are available to supporters of the website. These include GWX Gold, We Dive at Dawn for SH4, Philipp_Thomsen/Sober Mega Mod combo pack of all the favorite Silent Hunter 5 mods, Narwhal Mod, several Tanksim mods, Pacific Aces, & a few more. Once you donate, your name will appear in the Donor's Corner at the top right.

Note: one donation allows you access to all of the Bonus Mod files.

Once you make a donation and become a SUBscriber, your Bonus Mods will be visible here. If you have a question or issue that needs my attention, please post here.

If you are not a SUBscriber and you have a question, please post here.
*****  BONUS MODS READ ME FIRST  ****** by Neal Stevens on 01-24-15

You must be registered with this forum to download files. If you are registered and getting this message,
then the Downloads section is experiencing heavy load volumes and has been temporarily restricted to members
who are in the Subsim Navy (donors). Please try again later.


Become an officer in the Subsim Navy here and have your download limit increased to 25, 35 or even 60 a day! Click here to join.

A website this big uses a lot of bandwidth and needs a really powerful server to stay online day after day, for 20 years. Thanks for the support!

04-15-15 at 10:39 AM
Got to wait for more funds to complete this, retired you know. I will join soon though. Thank you, Ripsaw3
08-13-15 at 07:40 PM
Thank you for the bonus downloads I'm sure they will be a great help and who knows I might even be able to afford more when I need to renew.
11-29-15 at 06:53 AM
Many thnks for having me here, and cheer's for the bonus mods
02-23-16 at 03:49 PM
Great bonus mods. Thanks
04-09-16 at 02:14 AM
01-13-17 at 06:42 AM
Tot Time
04-22-18 at 12:26 PM
Thanks for the Bonus MODS, all the other free MODS and help. Am a casual player when I have time. These MODS and the wealth of knowledge on this site have made playing more enjoyable. I thought after downloading a number of free downloads it was time to DONATE to keep this site going. Thanks again Mates. BZ
04-17-18 at 10:54 AM
Merci beaucoup !
04-13-18 at 07:19 PM
The most intellectual game&forum!
02-24-18 at 11:01 PM
Thanks for everything you all do. Keeps Sub Sims alive, glad to be back
02-17-18 at 02:58 PM
Thank you all for the hard work. SH5 without your is not playable!
10-08-17 at 02:19 AM
Thank you for all the hard work. It was a privilege to donate.
11-01-17 at 10:31 AM
Thanks for your work.
07-31-18 at 02:53 PM
Thanks for all your endeavors!
Keep up the great work!
07-01-21 at 07:22 AM
Thanks a lot for this site, the best subsim site in the deep sea
10-04-21 at 10:59 AM
Nice post thanks for sharing.
08-11-22 at 09:35 PM
Thankyou Neal for making this website I got so scared of downloading all the mods I wanted....,
But I managed to download everything I needed even some bonus can't wait to play we dive at dawn

Such a great community and being able to get a game to how you want to play that is priceless.......

Thankyou Neal and I'm so happy to be apart of Subsim thankyou millions

DownloadsII 5.1.0 by CyberRanger & Jelle
Based on ecDownloads 4.1 © Ronin
Graphics by Danlisa

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