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File Name: Trigger Maru Overhauled ver 2.5 (567.03 MB) Download
Author: Ducimus (Uploaded by Ducimus)
Date Added: 02-18-11
Downloads: 28058
Grade: A
The objective of this mod is to make the pacific theater as immersive as possible, offer an increased level of challenge, and to make the player behave more realistically. TMO defines realism as encouraging the player to make the same decisions, and have the same fears that a real WW2 submarine captain would have.

Historical accuracy and realism in the traditional sense of the word ( sometimes achieved by abstract means) is adhered to as much as possible, but some elements may be taken with creative license in order to achieve the overall objective. Trigger Maru also leans more toward the "seasoned" submarine simulation fan, and some elements may appear to be too daunting at first for your rookie player.
Trigger Maru Overhauled ver 2.5 by Ducimus on 02-18-11

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06-14-11 at 03:38 AM
I change my mind i like the corlor of the yamato skin looks great.
06-14-11 at 03:39 AM
i cant delete these messages poop
01-13-12 at 01:52 AM
Can someone help. I installed SH4 and the patch (official). I enabled this awesome mod but it never gets past the load screen it just pops up error messages. Can someone help?
02-12-13 at 10:09 AM
I cant play my sh4 with this mod!! have a some corrupted or error file in the data fould i Cant play! pls fix it!!!!
02-25-11 at 02:14 PM
Rockin Robbins
10-01-11 at 07:37 PM
Here I am downloading 2.0, updating from 1.8 beta. Thanks for the hard work!
10-30-11 at 12:26 PM
very thanks for update,-Ducimus
12-25-11 at 06:59 PM
how do i install mods
11-29-11 at 04:40 PM
Can some one tell me how to switch on external view in this mod, but when i play on realistic level?
Rex Ursus
12-18-11 at 10:01 AM
ABC2009 Google sh4 cheats and search through them. You will find a way to use Notepad to change all those kinds of settings including realism settings.
01-10-12 at 05:56 PM
Does 2.5 work with Sh4 vs 1.4?
01-17-12 at 11:38 PM
1.4 is not supported now
01-24-12 at 01:34 PM
1.4 has not been supported by TMO for some time.
04-29-12 at 02:47 PM
is tmo 2.5 the latest version are there any updates to this?
05-03-12 at 01:53 PM
happy download to all of you
05-06-12 at 11:53 PM
is this compatible with rsrd?
01-09-13 at 03:48 PM
Great game, love playing it.
05-27-12 at 08:30 AM
why is there no "Next/Previous unit cam" ???
06-10-12 at 01:22 AM
AWESOME MOD LIKE ALWAYS Well but I found a bug when i was using the previous version i did have new construction 42 and 43 and Alaskan I don't have them

My current mods:

TMO 2.5
TMO 2.5 patch fix
Webster's better sub marker
Ships Physics v0.2b
SensorsWakeSplash_Prewas_Midway_Career (I think this is causing the problem)
SCAF for TMO_2

Any Ideas?
06-10-12 at 08:06 AM
Removed the Prewar Midway Career and it worked
08-20-12 at 02:59 PM
GREAT MOD!but i found a error whenever i try to leave base with a s-42 or a s-18 sub the game crashes here are my mods:

TMO_ Metric_SpeedChart_Nomo
600 Slightly Subnuclear Deck Gun
600 Slightly Subnuclear Mark 14 and Cutie
Tillabous_coral sea_skinpack
TMO Pre Pearl Harbor Career Start
Rescue Sub v 1.0

ik alot of mods and i think rescue sub 1.0 has somthing to do with it but it wirks fine with tmo. is there anything to do to help?
07-11-12 at 02:26 AM
Where to begin? Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.
09-30-12 at 04:11 PM
Great mod, thank-you for your efforts
11-05-12 at 10:29 AM
I am using TMO 2.2. Do I have to remove it or reinstall the game if I want to use TMO 2.5?
11-19-12 at 03:23 PM
What... but how i die???!!

Men i play (again) me campaing and the escort dive a depth charges at 20 meters of my sub and i die!!! how and what??!! i are in external view and i see all... see that men or i put off your mod...

How a depth charge in 20 mters can kill me??? that is a bug or some historical value?????!!!

i like your mod but what??!

01-15-13 at 09:47 AM
How to install?
03-27-13 at 04:58 PM
very excited to try this
Karl Von Hallinon
01-31-15 at 10:04 AM
Many thanks , this is awsome
05-05-13 at 05:18 PM
When ever I try to download the file it gives me a blank screen, can anyone help me?
07-15-13 at 07:11 AM

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Based on ecDownloads 4.1 © Ronin
Graphics by Danlisa

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